Monday, August 29, 2016

Panty Tree?/Tuscumbia Muskrat?

You can’t say that our blog isn’t ready to jump into the pressing issues of the day, and with that we’ll attempt to answer the important question of just who owns the panty tree under the Old Railroad Bridge. The Midnight Rider has assigned the tree to Sheffield, but at least one reader has questioned that, asserting the tree is closer to Florence than Sheffield.

We’ve learned that a few year ago, a man lost his hat while on the bridge and then jumped down to retrieve it. In most news articles this is where one would insert that police believe alcohol was involved in the incident. Upon retrieving the hat, the man found that he couldn’t climb back to his spot on the bridge and was stranded. He called 911, but who helped?

Sheffield Police and Fire said it was Florence’s problem and Florence Police and Fire said it was Sheffield’s. Is the man still stranded there? No, finally Lauderdale EMA put a boat in the water and rescued him.

The bridge itself has been declared in Sheffield, if that helps decide the issue, but the land itself? We’re awaiting opinions from some more experts, so feel free to comment.


What has happened to the Tuscumbia Muskrat? We’ve received questions and have two possible answers, but if the Muskrat is still out there, even not posting, please contact us.


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