Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Florence High Teacher Arrested in Mobile


We reported a few days ago that Florence High School instructor Cy Stanford Ellis had an outstanding warrant for domestic abuse in Mobile County. On February 27th, he was arrested in Mobile on the charge involving his wife.

Several have asked Ellis' employment status. While we don't know if he is still officially on the faculty, this might be a very good time to take leave and also take stock of his marriage and anger issues. When similar issues have cropped up in the Muscle Shoals system, teachers have been assigned non-classroom duties.

We have faith that Dr. Jimmy Shaw will make the right decision. Our personal opinion? Ellis needs to be in employment that doesn't involve our children.

Monday, February 27, 2023

The Truth about M.S. High v. M.S. Parks & Rec


What one could reasonably call a battle has been raging since late last summer between Muscle Shoals High (specifically the new baseball coach) and the Parks & Recreation Department. What are the salient facts? Here's an expert rundown on the specifics:

The City has 16 ballfields, only two that meet state regulation for high school baseball, one at airport complex and one at Gattman park, the school uses both of these fields everyday. Softball uses multiple fields everyday and hosts tournaments on at least six of these yearly.

My reputable and trustworthy source also says they have never heard of such an actual discussion of a private field at all. Muscle Shoals school system is currently pushing hard for a turf field (cost well over a million and a half for one field plus the maintenance cost that comes along with it) for only themselves to be able to use. Muscle Shoals school system does not currently even pay for the water they use to water the fields now nor do they pay or provide for the expensive materials (Diamond Dry, drags etc.). The Parks and Rec/City pays for these necessary things. 

Of course the cost of a turf field is not in a Parks and Rec budget and unlike the wealthy Tuscumbia residents and Deshler affiliates that came together to pay for their turf field, all these unknowledgeable mouthy people so eager to make a comment are not going to do that. Unlike some of these readers' comments that are making the Parks and Rec director out to be, he is not a cold hearted person and actually has always loved his job and working with kids.

It has never been like this in the past between the school and rec. Mayor Bradford would never have let them continue to act this way. The parks and rec director would love to have all turf fields for ALL children to play on, the kids playing through the recreation program AND the school athletic program, for EVERY KID. 

As for Beck being made out to be a God verses Ass. If you know anything about the city of Muscle Shoals, if you don’t agree with everything they say and go against them then you become the outcast and on their hit list. The people that are “behind coach” and making him out to be a God are your people that are already affiliated with the baseball team/work at the school or have younger boys coming up so these people are kissing ass in hopes their kids make his team and play. The others are speaking on Beck's true colors. 

And as for the parks and rec director's supporters, the majority of them will not post on a social media site. He has received numerous texts, calls and in person positive feedback since the original post. The majority know what kind of person Rusty truly is and the work he does. 

The crazy thing is everyone thinks they know how and when the parks and rec director should be doing his job and when. He does work, that honestly as a director, he doesn't have to do but he does anyway. He works literally 24/7. They don’t see his early morning hours and very late hours plus weekends he puts in, tournaments at multiple complexes at the same time, rec gym events til late, he runs the amphitheatre, he runs the golf course, he runs the pool not to mention his phone rings nonstop all hours of every day. He has been in his Director's position for about 19 years and has worked for the City- Parks and Rec combined for over 25 years and since he was named Director he has never had a comparable raise for ALL the additions to his job description since then. 

Yes the city had their “Auburn study” but didn’t even truly go by that. The parks and Rec, and the street department got the shaft. It was said “the parks and rec and street department were not important” and not worthy of this full deserving Auburn study raise. They veered from that Auburn study after they were told not too.

And from another reader:

I remember what you are talking about with that coach Beck. It is a war zone. He wants to take over the Park & Rec ball fields and lock them up. More of the school system's greedy mentality of "It's mine and you can't come here". To further that stance, the high school recently locked the bathrooms at the tennis courts at the games. Top that off with Chad Holden is pressing (and will probably go before the county commission) to get some of the internet sales tax money of theirs in addition to what he is getting.

Readers in the City of Muscle Shoals need to pay attention specifically to that last take on the "Turf War."

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Apologies to the Shoals' Own "Jimmy Carter" - Judge Daniel Rosser


The news has recently been full of stories about President Jimmy Carter. Invariably, everyone who knows him has only high praise for him. In that sense he reminds us of Colbert Probate Judge Daniel Rosser.

Recently our blogger J. Redmon spotted a golf cart in downtown Tuscumbia that he thought belonged to someone transporting two very young children over city neighborhoods and, understandably, wanted it brought to light. Unfortunately, he was mistaken. 

However, it did prove how many who knew that it was Daniel's cart were extremely upset by the photo we posted. We hope that Daniel will forgive our enormous snafu.

In the meantime, J. is still looking for the rogue cart...

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Sponsor Spot: Bama Wags


Some time ago, a reader asked us if we could recommend someone to help her mother with two dogs and a cat (who needed a daily pill - ouch) while she went away for two weeks. At the time, all we could suggest was boarding, an expensive proposition.

Now we can highly recommend a local bussiness. Tara Groth is the owner or Bama Wags. Here is a little about Tara:

Tara grew up in a house with all types of pets. From cats and dogs to exotics till she joined the Marine Corps just after 9/11. She served in Operation Iraqi Freedom 2004-2005. She later when on to get her Bachelors from San Diego State University. But her real calling was caring for pets. She began dog walking and pet sitting in California and started Bama Wags when she arrived here in the Shoals two years ago. Tara creates a unique connection with each and every pet she meets.

As a pet parent she understands it’s tough to take the time to care for pets as they deserve. That’s why she started Bama Wags a service catered to pets and pet parents. Pet Care is more than belly rubs, it’s a professional service and passion.

So if you live in Florence, Sheffield, Tuscumbia, or Muscle Shoals, be sure to call Tara. Your furry family members will love you for it.

Fight Back Saturday against National Day of Hate


The forecast for Saturday is showers...and possible hate crimes. Authorities have named several large cities where trouble is expected. Are we safe here in the Shoals?

Yes, we know some people here hate. They hate Blacks, Democrats, Jews, Asians, homosexuals, etc. We can laugh at National Hate Fruitcake Day, but for U.S. citizens to openly announce the scope of their hatred toward some groups is scary.

Think it's not local? Remember the Lexington man who recently travelled to Idaho with guns to stop a drag show? 

Police around the country are urging vigilance; we're also urging extra kindness and love for today. We're also urging prayer and a long session of meditation as to how our country got this way and what we can do about it.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Muscle Shoals Coach Blake Beck Again Attacks City Parks & Rec Department


The following is a guest blog from a Muscle Shoals resident:

On Wednesday, at Gattman park, the newest over rated, over paid and inexperienced Muscle Shoals baseball Coach, Beck, was immediately heard and seen screaming, like a rabid animal, at the Parks and Recreation Director. It was such a shocking and inappropriate scene, that the volume of his poor choice of language halted both the high school softball and baseball teams from practicing. 

I mean, is this the type of person you want your children being taught and coached by and looking up to as a role model? Of course, out of the combined 5-6 extra “coaches” standing around staring in disbelief, not one stepped up to tell him what an idiot, for lack of better word, he was being, in fear of the Muscle Shoals school system cult.

It’s apparent this guy is unprofessional, classless and needs to attend some anger management classes. It’s known this isn’t his first irrational scene and is an unstable human. Beck is a mere pawn, being used by Basden and his cronies, Holden and Davis. This all stems from, all 4 of them constantly harassing the Parks and Recreation employees with their petty remarks over the looks of the baseball field in their eyes (although none of them have ever had education on how to maintain a baseball field). 

According to professionals, Gattman park baseball field is in perfect shape! It’s supposedly not “good enough” for these Muscle Shoals bullies to play on but yet the Northwest Shoals community college Coach (and players) have said these fields are perfection, they love playing at Gattman and have asked to play all their games at Gattman this year. Hmmm?? So whats the problem with these Muscle Shoals creeps? A lot! But this time its because they are so jealous of their Tuscumbia rival. Deshler has a new turf baseball field (paid for by certain Tuscumbia residents affiliated with Deshler). 

So Muscle Shoals is ticked off that they are not getting their way like they are accustomed to and forcing the parks and rec to pay for them one. The school system should have plenty of money to pay for their own turf field considering it’s been said out of the mouth of Holden “they purposely abused the money and unnecessarily over paid for the new million dollar track by thousands just to resemble a certain university track for no other reason than just because they are Muscle Shoals”. Yet, no one tax payer is “allowed” on this track.

If they don’t like the field they’re playing on - go somewhere else! So will the person in the position to do so, hold this little creep accountable for his public inappropriate and unprofessional actions this time and hand him over the repercussions he is overdue?

I was told he was completely out of line, screaming and flailing around like an idiot while he was mostly insulting the work of the Parks and Recreation director with untrue statements, with his simplistic mind, regarding him personally and his job and insulting the work of the guys who maintain the fields and what garbage the fields are. 

I was told that “they have banned people from the parks for much less and this guy at minimum deserves to be banned”. The blatant haughtiness and disrespect out of these certain 4 men toward the Parks and Rec is nothing new for the mayor and has been allowed to continue for far too long. The Parks and Rec has made huge efforts in order to work with the school on a number of topics for the best interest of the kids but it’s just become impossible when the school is being allowed to keep disrespecting, demanding and expecting more and more and refuses to work with the rec. The rec's track team isn’t even “allowed” on their own million dollar home town track?? They are forced to go elsewhere. 

The park board members and others are fed up with this nonsense out of these men as well and have called on the mayor to take action toward this guy and put a stop to their behavior as a whole rather than allowing them to continue to “run the town” as he always does. They have gotten out of hand and it’s due to the one in charge allowing these men to tell him what to do and everyone else in the city. Ridiculous.

From a previous blog: Who Owns Gattman Park?

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Does Ernie Yarbrough Want to Put You or Your Partner in Prison?


Ernie Yarbrough is the new state representative from Lawrence and parts of Colbert County. Did any of our readers vote for him? He's certainly starting his term in office with a bang...and not a good one.

Under current law, a woman who has an induced abortion or induces a termination of her own pregnancy can't be prosecuted. Guess what? Yarbrough wants any woman who takes part in such an act tried for murder. He's already pre-filed the bill.

Nothing says a man is a loving, dependable, follower of God's word like a geezer who wants to put distraught and confused women in prison for murder. But wait, as they say, there's more. Who gets to decide if a woman intentionally put her fetus in danger or not? In other words, a grieving young woman could be falsely accused of an illegal act when she had absolutely no part in her loss. 

We would have said five years ago that this bill would have zero chance. Now? It's in the realm of possibility that this bill could become law. Aren't you proud to live in Alabama?

Yarbrough is supported by D.J. Parton of Prattville who founded a group called End Abortion, Alabama. Parton talks about the pre-born. As we've said before, doesn't such rhetoric make all of us pre-dead? Unless you have access to those magic Sheffield tarot cards, there's no way to predict which fetuses will survive nine months and which will not. We're pretty sure such logic is lost on Parton.

While we don't support induced abortion as a form of birth control, we can't imagine wishing to incarcerate the women who are so desperate as to resort to such an act.

Alabama, spend your tax dollars on sex education and easy access to birth control and you will end 90% of these problems. Or is that just too logical for our state legislature?

Everything that I command you, you shall be careful to do. You shall not add to it or take from it. Deut. 12:32

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Florence-Lauderdale Animal Services Says "CODE RED"


The FLAS has declared a "Code Red." They need your help - none is coming from the city beyond the regular budget. Thank you, Mayor Andy Betterton.

What we promise: All donations, whether cash or supplies, go directly to the animals. You never need to doubt where your donations wind up. You will be offered a receipt for any donation if you need one. Not all shelters offer this transparency. Put your money where it will do the most good.

What is needed:

Towels - new or used

Blankets - new or used

Dry dog food - No red dyes, please. Purina One is a great choice

Dog treats - preferably for large dogs

Dog/cat toys

Cat litter

Chlorine bleach

Paper towels

Clear electrolyte fluids

You may order on Amazon for direct delivery or drop off at the shelter in Florence Industrial park. Take Chisholm Road north to Lauderdale County Health Department, turn right, and shelter will be approximately .5 miles on the right.

3240 Roberson Road

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Cop's Vehicular Homicide Case Sent to AG


On the night of October 11, 2022, Tuscumbia police officer Jay Steward was driving a city vehicle while off duty. Travelling on Hawk Pride Mountain Road in a 45 mph zone, Steward was doing 75 mph (per vehicle data). While on a relatively straight stretch, he left the road and hit a resident retrieving his mail. Terry Wayne Hinton, 60, was killed instantly.

While Mr. Hinton's wife and parents were no longer living, he was survived by two brothers, several nieces and nephews, various in-laws, and a special friend. These individuals continue to hurt today and will hurt their entire lives over the tragic ending of Mr. Hinton's life.

Due to a Tuscumbia law enforcement officer being involved, ALEA was called in to investigate the details of the accident. At that time, many of our readers commented that there would be no real investigation, only a cover-up. Then in January of this year, ALEA issued its final report.

This news was covered locally by only WAFF in Huntsville, and many missed the story, including our bloggers. ALEA gave its findings to the Colbert County District Attorney's office. For whatever reason, possibly a conflict of interest, that office referred the case to the state attorney general's office which is now, ostensibly, preparing its case against Steward.

We don't know how much time will pass before the AG's office acts on the information it received. We have seen such cases produce a sentence of one year in the state prison system, while we can recall at least one that resulted in a 27 year prison term. A great deal will depend on the toxicology report and any evidence presented of a previous Tuscumbia accident in which Steward was involved.

We sincerely hope that Mr. Hinton's family and friends receive justice.

75 mph On Hawk Pride Mountain Road

Monday, February 20, 2023

Convicting Casey White - Part II


You have two choices:

1. Casey Cole White obtained limited information from Vicky White on the murder of Connie Ridgeway and used it to write a confession that would bring him back to the Lauderdale County Jail.

2. Casey White was employed by an unknown individual whom he won't name to kill Connie Ridgeway for some unknown reason.

Remember, the more logical answer isn't always the correct one. The Lauderdale County District Attorney's office is contending the second scenario is true. White is under indictment on two counts of Capital Murder - one count is for murder during a burglary/theft and one count of murder for pecuniary gain.

Click to Enlarge Indictment

We have to ask how the state hopes to prove its case if it can't or won't name the individual who ostensibly hired White. There are many theories about who would gain from Mrs. Ridgeway's death, but most are worthy of Dale Gribble. (A jury could still find White not guilty on the murder for hire, while finding him guilty on the charge of murder during the commission of another crime.)

Is this a possible reason the state wants the Vicky White murder tried first? Will it be able to discover this mysterious Mr. X in the added time between the two trials? If they haven't found him yet, we're not betting the farm that they will by August.

Is One of Connie's Killers Still Walking Free?

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Convicting Casey White - Part I


Casey Cole White now faces two murder trials. The first, currently scheduled for mid-June, is in connection with the suicide of his partner in escape Vicky White. The indictment is for Felony Murder.

Prosecutors have alleged that Vicky orchestrated and carried out Casey's escape under no duress. He obviously followed along, with the pair assisting each other in their multi-state flight from justice, but is that enough to convict Casey? 

We also have to ask why Judge Benjamin Graves insisted that Vicky's murder be addressed before the Capital Murder case in the death of Connie Ridgeway. That case is to be tried in August.

We've attempted to look at it from all angles and see no rationale for this timeline that many opposed. There's just no obvious horse to talk here.

Others have recently asked about Casey's current defense team. All attorneys are ostensibly from Huntsville and working with noted attorney Robert Tuten. The Madison County lawyer has had several infamous clients over the years, including Christy Bray Scott of Russellville.

If you question the logic in the case involving Vicky, you'll definitely be bemused in the case involving Connie Ridgeway...

Lauderdale County: Where Two Whites Made a Sickening Wrong.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Jenise Spurgeon: Was This Justice?


Background: Spurgeons

Daniel and Jenise Rae Spurgeon were caretakers of at least 14 children, some reports indicate as many as 15. The former Florence couple were charged in Alabama and Florida of the abuse of all but their three biological offspring.

Convicted in Alabama, Daniel received a 25 year sentence with no chance of parole. Among his convictions were Sexual Torture and First Degree Rape. When the 52 year-old wildlife expert and author leaves prison in July 2041, he will be required to register as a sex offender:

And his wife? She received five years of actual prison time in Florida and only one in Alabama. The 59 year-old's sentences are to be served concurrently, meaning she'll be free in slightly over four years.

There's no doubt that Jenise Rae Spurgeon was complicit in the physical abuse of the children in her home. Is she that different than Judith Neelley?

At least Jenise will be serving her time in Florida, and Alabama taxpayers will not be responsible for her upkeep.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Jail Troubles? Blame the County Commission!


Why does Lauderdale County have so much money in its bank accounts? Probably because it seems loathe to spend funds on any project.

Many citizens are currently blaming Sheriff Joe Hamilton or former sheriff Rick Singleton for problems at the detention center. They need to remember that the jail can't hire quality employees without competitive salaries. 

Singleton frequently asked the commission for assistance with jail problems. No, he didn't ask for Range Rovers to patrol the area or Mont Blanc pens for his office staff. He asked for needed supplies and facilities. He usually received zilch. 

How about the commission's record on animal control/care. If the commission hasn't come up with an appropriate plan in five years, are they really trying? Removal of the Confederate monument to Soldiers' Rest? Not a peep in months. No negotiatons; no nothing. Paradise Drive in Waterloo? Still just as dangerous.

How about the pet project of a certain cousin/brother-in-law? Now that's going. It may not be going well, but it is going. 

If anyone asks you to name one Lauderdale County success story, simply reply "nepotism."

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Florence High Teacher has Outstanding Warrant


After the recent investigation into alleged violent behavior by a Hibbett Intermediate School teacher, we've been informed of a situation that should be troubling for more than one reason. A Florence High science teacher has a current warrant issued by the City of Mobile.

Cy Stanford Ellis, 35 (dob 3/17/85), was arrested in that South Alabama city on a charge of Third Degree Domestic Violence, but failed to appear on his court date. Consequently, a warrant was issued for the Killen man's arrest on both charges.

From Ellis' online bio:

I received my BS in Chemistry with a minor in Biology from The University of North Alabama. I began teaching at Florence High School in August of 2018. I teach a number of science classes including: Physical Science, Environmental Science, Human Anatomy and Physiology, as well as a number of virtual science classes.

Whether the charge resulted from spousal, child, or some other family abuse, it needs to be cleared up. We don't believe the Florence School system supports this kind of behavior. We've always admired Dr. Jimmy Shaw for his leadership and consider it very sad when problems like this arise.

That being said, abuse of anyone should not be tolerated, but abuse of family is a special kind of crime that can affect generations. Prayers for this man's wife and children.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Who Smuggled Drugs into the Lauderdale County Detention Center?


Harley James Coyer, facing 11 charges, had been incarcerated in the Lauderdale County Detention Center without bail for the past nine months. He left the jail on Valentine's Day at 7:27 p.m. - in a body bag. Another unnamed inmate who was being housed in the same jail suite as the 37 year-old Florence man was similarly ill, but taken to the hospital and is now in fair condition.

With no signs of trauma on the deceased's body, authorities are looking at drugs. How did these dangerous substances get into the detention center?

Only attorneys and corrections personnel enter the jail. Some years ago, a now disbarred attorney was accused of smuggling drugs to one of his clients, but was never charged. There have been several arrests the past few years charging jailers and other personnel of smuggling drugs. One enterprising young officer slipped Suboxone strips between the pages of a Bible he attempted to deliver to an inmate.

According to social media, Harley Coyer had a wife and family. Whoever brought the drugs into the detention center should be charged with Felony Murder. It won't bring the deceased inmate back, but it might make other jailers think twice before they introduce contraband into the jail.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Valentine's Day 2023


We're now six weeks into 2023. We hope it's going well for everyone, but we're sure there have been setbacks in whatever course you've plotted for this year. 

Procrastination? We haz it. Is there any easy answer?  No, but here's one way to make a small positive out of it. Each time you put something off on a whim (not a necessity), place a dollar in special container. At the end of the year, check your procrastination balance.

You may be rich on December 31st, but don't keep the money. Donate the funds to a worthwhile cause. 

Making a positive out of a negative!

Monday, February 13, 2023

What's Going on with Colbert County Sheriff's Office?


Almost every county's press release site uses the same software, but each has marked differences in what is chosen to be presented. After the general election last November, the Colbert County site ceased adding new prisoners to its public jail roster; however, it did remove those who had been released. Apparently Colbert also stopped offering (selling?) to such local web pages as the Quad-Cities Daily.

Now the Colbert County Sheriff's Office has removed the names of all prisoners from its site. Why? New arrests are still published in national online data bases that presumably pay big bucks for them.

This is a move backward for the county. We hope it's corrected soon. We need more transparency, not less.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Trouble at Hibbett Intermediate (Middle) School

Hibbett Intermediate School (formerly Middle School) is located in North Florence and is part of the Florence City School system. Now a special education teacher from Hibbett has been placed on administrative leave.

According to a letter from the superintendent's office, there are accusations of student abuse by Deanna A. Hogland Isbell Hastings. From the 57 year-old Hastings' official bio:

I have lived in the tri-cities all my life. I have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. I started my career as a Child Nutrition worker in 1994. I then went to college to become a Special Education Teacher. I graduated in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Collaborative Education K-6. I’ve truly been blessed to be a part of the Falcon family.

Hastings is reportedly a Leighton native and has resided in Tuscumbia and more recently Muscle Shoals. A friend to Hastings maintained that she has received no previous complaints while working as a teacher.

The school system has further stated the Florence Police Department is a partner in the abuse investigation. No time frame for the inquiry has been released. While we're sure AEA is involved, there has been no public statement from that organization on the allegations concerning the teacher who would appear to have tenure. 

The one feature that stands out? Hastings has completed no other degrees since her original BS slightly over 20 years ago. This is an oddity in the world of special education. Considering this, we have to wonder if any personal conflicts with the administration had any impact on Hastings' current problems.


Saturday, February 11, 2023

Is Andy Betterton a Yamn Dankee?


Andy Betterton has never, to our knowledge, claimed to be a Shoals native, but he has reportedly lived in this area for around five decades. That's a long time not to know place names in an area, especially a location that one serves politically.

Yet, when discussing the boondoggle that is the Ag Center, he has reportedly said:

”When it’s built [successfully], I think [it’ll] bring people into our community obviously. As I look at the components of this, widening the Highway 72 to the Shoals Creek Bridge is a wonderful opportunity to move our city forward,” 

Shoals Creek? Really, Andy?! We know our less than illustrious mayor attended UNA, but he must have never had the privilege of a class with the late Maureen Maness. Mrs. Maness often commented: Only damn yankees call it Shoals Creek.

In case anyone doesn't know (as in Smokin' Jalapeno), it's Shoal Creek. So why would Andy make such a mistake? He obviously doesn't care - rather like the promises he made during his campaign. Of course, remarks have been made about his physical health (Napping Nancy), so perhaps his decline is also mental?


On a similar note, some fly-by reader criticized us as racist because we used the term swarthy. We immediately identified him as male. Why?

Anyone who has ever read a few romance novels knows about all those swarthy men out there, most of them apparently pirates just waiting to be tamed...or taught vocabulary and geography.

Friday, February 10, 2023

State to Sue USPS?


Does anyone with half a brain think the State of Alabama suing the USPS is a good use of taxpayer dollars? Apparently 1819 News does. 

You may ask what is 1819 News? We first saw it come to prominence early last year when an online advertising campaign labelled it the source of common sense news for the state. Absolutely no truth in advertising there. The online news magazine is an offspring of the Alabama Policy Institute and has never met a social program that it didn't want to quash.

Now this dubious news outlet is encouraging Steve Marshall to bring a lawsuit against the USPS. Why? The mail service is obviously in cahoots with the V.A. and others who support the work of Satan. Translated, that means the USPS is now a minion of the Dark Lord for sending boxes of medicine that might or might not be used in an induced abortion. We wonder if the 1819 News is aware of how many unlabelled packages of prescription medicine the V.A. sends each month to patients in this state?

It seems the powers at the 1819 News are also against expanding Medicaid. It posits that there are drawbacks. Gasp! Can this news service name any program, product, or course of action that doesn't have some drawbacks? Rest assured, the expansion of Medicaid has far more positives than negatives. Now if the state legislature would only get with the program to assist thousands of Alabama citizens. Or are our legislators too busy thinking up new candidates for lawsuits to diminish Alabama's coffers?

Note: If you're intelligent enough to prefer news media that presents the right, the left, and the middle of the road, you'll want to make the Alabama Political Reporter a staple in your daily Internet routine.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

ALEA: Missing from NW Alabama


The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency has an official page/case number of those listed as missing in the state. Not everyone missing is on the state list for various reasons. As of today, these individuals are officially missing in the Shoals and surrounding counties per ALEA:

William Glen Jones - 11/22/22 - Florence

Michael Eugene Thompson - 11/04/22 - Florence

Eric D. Mansell - 9/1/2021 - Florence

Teresa Shook Hendrix - 9/1/2021 - Florence

John Wesley Johnson - 7/1/21 - Moulton

Courtney Vivian Staggs - 8/10/20 - Florence - Waiting for identification of body

Jessica Hamby - 1/2/2018 - Hackleburg

DeShawn Childers - 9/17/2016 - Florence

Yu Chin Goodson - 4/1/2005 - Russellville

Robert Gene Weems - 6/5/97 - Florence

There are others missing from this area who are not on the official list; we will attempt to list them shortly.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Convicted Rapist/Murderer Shaun Shapley Seeks Parole


Pictured is Jennifer Helen Bragg. We don't know her age in this photo, but we do know she was no older than 17 - that was her age when her stepfather murdered her during an attempted rape. She died on February 8, 2008, at the hands of a man who should have protected her.

Shaun Glovis Shapley agreed to a plea of 25 years in Jennifer's death. That didn't stop him from appealing his sentence or attempting to sue both the attorney general and a prison warden. Along the way he even accused the Lauderdale district attorney of illegally using one of his Florida convictions to force him to plea.

Shapley will be eligible for parole on March 1st. As of today, no exact date has been set, and such hearings are often as much as one month late. Whatever the exact date, it's too soon.

We're asking everyone to write:

Alabama Board of Pardons and Parole
Re: Shaun Glovis Shapley AIS#00263566
100 Capitol Commerce Boulevard
Montgomery, AL 36117

You can read more about this grifter/rapist/murderer here: Murder in Lexington

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Who Shot Darrious Smith?


“On June 30, 2022, at approximately 9:15 PM, officers responded to a shooting at 214 Holt Ave in Florence.

Darrious Marqua Smith was located at the residence. Smith had been wounded and he was transported to the North Alabama Medical Center where he was pronounced deceased. His death has been ruled a homicide and detectives are currently working the scene.

This is all the information we can release at this time due to this being an ongoing investigation. If anyone has any information about this crime, please contact the Florence Police Department at: 256.760.6583, dispatch at 256.760.6610, text a tip to 274637 using keyword FPDTIP plus your message, or Crime Stoppers at 256.386.8685.”

The above is a statement from the Florence Police Department issued on July 1, 2022. Since that date, there have been no updates on the case.

Friends of the victim have been left in the dark. Now they're asking the public for help.

If you have any information on this murder, contact the numbers listed above. Let's get this killer off the streets.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Let's Help Make Kaiden Safe


This is Kaiden. He was recently removed from his biological mother's custody after receiving a beating from his stepfather. The mother, stepfather, and two or three supporters have denied Kaiden's injuries. If you find this as nauseating as we do, read on for a comment from Kaiden's father:

January 23rd, 2023 I got a phone call that no parent should get. DHR was removing my son from his mother & step father's care due to a report on child abuse regarding my son, Kaiden. On my way to pick Kaiden up the mother called me & told me that DHR was there due to a “small bruise”. 

Kaiden opened the door for the police & DHR investigator & then he proceeded to run out the door with nothing on but underwear in 50 degree weather, so he could ride his bike unsupervised while the mother was in the back of the house vacuuming. Upon our arrival at the Fountain household Kaiden was placed in mine & my wife’s care. 

At first we didn’t know the extent of the “bruising” until digging deeper into the report. At first, we were not going to hold the mother accountable due to her claiming she was at work during the time of the incident. Since then, she has been protecting Ricky Fountain (the abuser) on social media & making a joke out of all of this as if it’s a normal occurrence for them. 

We have decided to pursue custody of Kaiden due to the unsafe nature of the Fountain household. I’m coming to my community to ask for help to pay for a lawyer & get Justice for Kaiden. If you can’t donate then please consider sharing his story. 

Despite what Mr. & Mrs. Fountain would have you believe, Ricky Fountain currently has six arrests on his RAP sheet, including two for drug charges and two concerning this episode of abuse. Mrs. Fountain has contacted us...and taught us some new words. 

Kaiden needs to be with his father and his hopefully new mother. One thing we can all do is pray for this child that he'll grow up happy and have no lasting memories of the abuse.

A final word: The Fountains say anyone who shares pictures of this child's wounds is disseminating child pornography. Just think about that for a few minutes...

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Where Is William Glen Jones?


It's been ten weeks since the last known sighting of William Glen Jones. The 24 year-old's official information is sketchy at best. A press release mentions he was at Cypress Place Landing; we're left to assume it was at the apartments of the same name on the short street off Cloverdale Road. It was at 11:30 on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, but was it a.m. or p.m.?

So far, no family has come forward to plead for any information, nor have the Florence police offered any updates since the initial missing person's report. There's no mention of school or work. Surely someone cares if he's found.

If you have any info, call the FPD at 256-760-6610 or 911. If anyone has additional data on Jones, we'll be happy to publish it.


On September 1, 2021, Teresa Shook Hendrix, 53, and Eric D. Mansell, 31, both disappeared from Florence. If there is a connection, law enforcement has not reported it. If anyone has information on either or both of these cases, we will publish with more detail.