Thursday, December 15, 2016

More DHR Corruption?

Alabama DHR is the recipient of much criticism. Is it unjust? Unfortunately, we find in most cases, it certainly isn’t undue. We’ve recently been contacted by a local woman who had sought to gain custody of her daughter’s two daughters who were in the care of the state. Not only was custody not granted to the grandmother and her husband, DHR failed to tell them that their daughter had given birth to a son who was also in state custody.

Perhaps the grandparents’ right to know is debatable? We welcome comments on this issue or any new problems our readers have faced with Alabama DHR.



Have you been keeping up with the Chelsea Fike case? Considering the severity of harm done to her young son, we’re surprised it took the state two years to gather enough evidence to arrest the live-in boyfriend of the Lawrence County woman. During this time, Chelsea told her supporters that Ian died from unknown causes and collected money for his funeral and monument. 

Our blogger L. Stone sent this:

M is for the Murder charge

O is for the Other dude she brought into the children's lives

T is for the Trauma on the small bodies

H is for the Hell the children went through

E is for the Extreme indifference to human life

R is for the Reckoning in the execution chamber that she will no doubt avoid


It’s been announced that Dr. Jennifer Gray will become the new assistant principal at Brooks Elementary School. Will this be an improvement? Comments always welcome.

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