Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Local Censorship? Just Who Does it?

Does this area have much censorship? Perhaps we should define censorship. Have you seen the "Buddy Jesus" or "Buddy Christ" memes? Here's one:

Is it in bad taste? Certainly, if you're a Christian. (We at least didn't post the one referring to Catholicism.) While no one knows how Christ looked, we're pretty sure he didn't have long hair or wear gold medallions; still, we're not about to shoot anyone over it. So how many memes do you see referring to the Muslim faith?

Is the lack of Muslim memes censorship? If a publication is afraid of being fire-bombed, we would say it might better qualify as self-preservation, but it's still censorship.

How about other areas of news? How about censorship of government cronyism, student favoritism, or even this blog? Think no one would want to censor our blog? Think again. While we're sure many may see their sacred cow mentioned here (hey, we're even inadvertently getting in Hinduism!) and mentally wish we'd just disappear from Shoals cyberspace, most don't openly advocate that.

Over the years, we've seen only two do so; one the father of local career criminal and one more recently who was a very misguided supporter of Muscle Shoals High School. Both thought someone should "shut us down." Who or on what legal grounds, we're not sure. We've also heard of a few instances in which some have wished to censor the (defunct?) ShoalsInsider, Pen-N-Sword, and Quad-Cities Daily.

Just remember, if they can censor us, they can sensor you...


Eaten somewhere recently and just loved it? Just hated it? Tell us about it. Send your reviews to shoalanda.speaks@gmail.com and we'll publish them here:

This week we have a review of PoBoy's in its new transplanted Tuscumbia location.


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