Friday, November 6, 2015

Yes, All States Record Births as Legitimate v. Illegitimate

We've had some very interesting conversations this past week. It's amazing what some people don't know about government, social issues, etc. Yes, all states still record births by race and catalogue their legitimacy. The most recent records for the U.S. are from 2013.

The purpose? Per this chart:

Objectives—This report presents 2013 data on U.S. births according to a wide variety of characteristics. Data are presented for maternal age, live-birth order, race and Hispanic origin, marital status, attendant at birth, method of delivery, period of gestation, birth weight, and plurality. Birth and fertility rates are presented by age, live-birth order, race and Hispanic origin, and marital status. Selected data by mother’s state of residence and birth rates by age and race of father also are shown. Trends in fertility patterns and maternal and infant characteristics are described and interpreted.

If you don't like it,talk to the government, not us.


For what it's worth, some states kept what are called "Bastardy Files" as recently as 1977. These actually contained the names of mothers and alleged fathers. As far as we know, this has not been done in Alabama for quite some time. Bastardy births, as they are called, are reported to the state department of health, but no names are included in the report--just numbers.



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