Monday, November 2, 2015

A Copy of the Infamous "Ashley Nelson" Video? Yep, We've Got One!

So, Rob Adolph Carnegie has taken down all copies of the videos from previous tourism board meetings. Oh, I should have said President & CEO Rob Adolph Carnegie, since that is what he prefers to be called. No matter, we have a copy of the infamous video. It's not readily available to us, but we will have it up and running on YouTube at some point, rest assured.

In the mean time, if anyone has a copy (No. 99, maybe?) we would appreciate it being sent to us. Let's see, what shall we call our new YouTube site? The Home of President & CEO & Seeker of Truth at Shoalanda Speaks? A bit long, but it has a nice ring to it.


We have to ask about this Chief Executive Officer thing. Is Alison Stanfield the Chief Financial Officer? Who is the Chief Operating Officer? Maybe Adolph is all of them, eh?


Oh, hey, this is good. Adolph says he has a place in country music. Who knew? Well, it has to be true. His website says so:

Funny, there's no mention of his real know, the one Florence is paying him over 120K a year for.


From a reader on Kneeland Hibbett, currently under indictment for child solitication:

Here are a few things I’ve noticed recently...

-The Hibbett marital home at 1914 Monticello Road, Florence (this is also where Missy resides at the present time) (I’m sure Missy Holman- Hibbett got this property as part of a divorce settlement) has been listed on the real estate market see this link:

-There is no Hibbett-Holman divorce file publicly available.

-All billboards advertising for Hibbett patient care have disappeared.

-The sign on the Dr. Hicks Blvd. empty lot touting a new Hibbett PC location to include some type of community center is gone.

-The large sign on top of the downtown office Hibbett-Patient Care building (across from TD isn’t that funny and no coverage) is no longer there.

-Missy Holman has dropped the Hibbett name.

-The name Hibbett has been scrubbed from the Hibbett Patient Care website.
See here:



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