Thursday, March 26, 2015

Update on HPBC/City of Muscle Shoals

Joe Pampinto, Neal Willis, Jim Holland, Mike Lockhart, Allen Noles, Mayor David Bradford

The reader (a citizen of Muscle Shoals) who originally broached this subject with us has sent an update. We have edited to remove any possible libelous comments:

Forgot to mention that Mayor “Donnatello” Bradford is also a member of HPBC - the Highly Political Baptist Church. According to a member at HPBC, the following statement was made from the pulpit on the opening Sunday by the Pastor Bret Pitman,

“We’d like to offer special thanks to Councilman Joe Pampinto for his help in handling all the city affairs related to the construction of this new building. Since the other 4 councilmen and Mayor are members here, they felt in order to avoid any perception of a conflict of interest, that Mr. Pampinto, who is not a member here, would be the City representative for this project. Joe couldn’t be with us today because he had a previous engagement out of town”.

The HPBC Security, aka MSC citizen paid police, are in full uniform and taxpayer vehicles on any given day as they direct traffic for the mayor, city councilmen, family and friends as they leave the political rally at HPBC.

Maybe Grace Life Church is no longer favored now that HPBC has a large arena for use (once again, school superintendent and anyone wanting to climb the ladder attends HPBC as well).

Note: HPBC "rented" MS high school auditorium for special occasions and during the final stages of construction of their new concert hall. In addition to the agreement to "Pay Rent", there was to be a new sound system installed at the H.S. Auditorium at HPBC expense. Sources inside MSCS question if the good church fulfilled all - OR ANY - of the Board approved contract. (we highly doubt it, given the Rubber Stamping Board)

Another fine example of separation of church and state? Or, in MSC, a fine example of separation of government jobs and family?


Only one comment here: The church has a concert hall? Really, a concert hall? We Googled this phenomenon, but couldn't seem to pin down anything relevant to a new building hosting concerts. We're going to refrain from any more comments here, but would like to hear a rationale for this. Also any updates on the gift to Muscle Shoals High School? Surely the HPBC would keep its word...


1 comment:

  1. HPBC actually hires off duty officers to work traffic on Sunday mornings.
