Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Is "Training" a Bad Word?

A fellow blogger asked us to look closely at the filling of new position in the Florence School Board. The blogger felt there was a 99% chance the job would go to a woman. The position has been filled...and it went to a man. After reading the TD article on the new position, we have some questions, but not that many. Education today is not the one-room school house of 1915.

What we did notice was the rescheduling of "Professional Development" days. Unless we're very mistaken, these days were called "In-Service Training" days until a relatively short time ago. Does renaming them make them more important?

Let's not forget the Kilby Laboratory School; it was once known universally as the Kilby Training School. We don't know about others, but we would much prefer to attend a school that trained teachers than one which used children as a type of laboratory rat.

Oh, well, our theory is that if you can't actually improve something, just rename it...


Convicted killer Hershel Dale Graham has arrived at another Kilby...Kilby Prison. We know he and his attorneys are intent on having him serve his sentence at the Hamilton facility for the aged and infirm. It will be very interesting to see where he winds up...and if he can stay out of trouble.


A quick show of hands: How many know who this gentleman is? Can most of you tell us what about this photo ruined the career of the gentleman in the double-breasted suit? It's a cautionary tale for some pols, but we're afraid too late for at least a few locals.


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