Last June, 22 Shoals citizens were arrested in a massive heroin sweep conducted by combined local authorities and federal agents. We continue to get questions about the arrests and are offering a partial clarification of these charges since many of these major players were indicted in January.
The eight names in dark red face both local and federal charges. Bold italics indicate actual state indictment charges that are usually stiffer than original arrest charges. Eight were indicted in January and more indictments are anticipated later.
Jasmond Dewand “Jazz” Foster, 26, 420 Hensley St., Florence; trafficking heroin.
William Earl “Buck” Foster Jr., 33, 420 Hensley Court, Florence; unlawful distribution of a controlled substance. - Trafficking heroin.
Shawna Caroline Foster, 36, 420 Hensley Court, Florence; conspiracy to distribute heroin.
Jerry Ray “J-Ray” Cochran, 40, 326 N. Franklin St., Florence; conspiracy to distribute heroin.
Thomas Rashawn “Ham” Barnett, 27, Florence; five counts of unlawful distribution of a controlled substance.
William Earl “Lil Beck” Coffey, 27, 1605 E. 26th St., Sheffield; conspiracy to distribute heroin.
Wallace Earl “Duke” Beckwith, 47, 3016 Woodward St., Florence; conspiracy to distribute heroin.
Ashley Lauren King, 26, 1605 E. 26th St., Sheffield; conspiracy to distribute heroin.
Kasey Lynn Yarbrough, 26, 430 N. Cedar St., Florence; conspiracy to distribute heroin.
Jerry Lee Keeton Jr., 28, 5521 Lauderdale 34, Killen; attempting to commit a controlled substance crime.
Candace Carol Irons, 48, 200 Garfield Ave., Florence; conspiracy to distribute heroin. -
Conspiracy to commit a controlled substance crime and two counts of unlawful distribution of a controlled substance.
William H. “Trey” Kimbrough III, 37, Ricks Lane, Leighton; conspiracy to distribute heroin.
Lindsay Arlene James, 30, 127 Gilbert Court, Apartment A, Florence; conspiracy to distribute heroin. - Indicted:
Conspiracy to commit a controlled substance crime.
Charles Devell Richardson, 39, 127 Gilbert Court, Apartment A, Florence; conspiracy to distribute heroin.
Chad Brian Balentine, 35, 420 Hensley Court, Florence; conspiracy to distribute heroin. Indicted:
Conspiracy to commit a controlled substance crime.
Vanna Leann Denson, 27, Muscle Shoals; conspiracy to distribute heroin. - Indicted:
Conspiracy to commit a controlled substance crime.
Jason Daniel Austin, 33, 235 Minnehaha St., Florence; conspiracy to distribute heroin.
John Wesley Akin, 26, 521 Collier St., Florence; two counts of unlawful distribution of a controlled substance. - Indicted:
Unlawful distribution of a controlled substance, trafficking heroin, unlawful possession of a controlled substance and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia.
Brady Ann Irons, 29, 521 Collier St., Florence; two counts of unlawful distribution of a controlled substance. - Indicted:
Unlawful possession of a controlled substance, unlawful distribution of a controlled substance, trafficking synthetic drugs and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia.
Aundrey Barnard Brown, 44, Florence; unlawful distribution of a controlled substance.
Jeremy Desmond “Toot” Wells, 28, 2255 Randolph St., Florence; seven counts of unlawful distribution of a controlled substance. - Indicted:
Unlawful distribution of a controlled substance.
Colos Santious Vaughn, 30, 502 Short St., Florence; two counts of unlawful distribution of a controlled substance.
Trey Kimbrough, Wes Akin, Brady Irons, Candace Irons |
For whom should we feel sympathy? Those who died from these drugs, but took them willingly...or those who knowingly sold them for profit...or no one at all?
We know that at least one who died was taking the drug for pain resulting from injuries due to military service. Was it that smart? Perhaps not, but we haven't walked that mile in his shoes.
We're going to offer our sympathy to those who died or were otherwise hurt by these dealers/traffickers. Each and everyone knew exactly what he/she was doing when they sold these drugs, sometimes to teenagers.