Wednesday, April 5, 2017

What Parents Refuse to See About the Muscle Shoals Baseball Players

First, a word from Leslie M. Shoals:


One would have to ask "Why punish these kids for getting caught in Destin for doing what they are allowed to do in MSC?"

I remember a "surprise" drug dog brought in to MSHS one day, Only problem was that all the athletes that were drivers checked out before the "sweep". The administrators were so proud only a couple of under-freshmen were identified and "dealt with".


For those who believe the stories of grand test scores and graduation rates MSCS publish, you need to read the children's story, The Pied Piper, or the Emperor's New Clothes.

A senior that misses over 30 days in one semester with a failing grade miraculously aces a final exam and graduates?

Another senior stays in ISS most of the first semester, is failing and miraculously has all the credits when he turns 18 and is told he will get his diploma in the mail. No need to come back after Christmas break?

Employees having affairs, and then promoting one to the central office? Who believed Coach Lindsey when he said the principal had "administrative tenure"? There is no such thing - read the law.

Coaches recruiting - yes, another year ahead. Solution, lobby AHSAA to change the rules.

Teachers that can't teach - yep - math isn't that important in life after all.

Girls trying to out dress the teachers - after all, it's all about style.

Students know and are laughing at the teachers and administrators. Do they really think the kids don't know what they are doing? Nice, people. You're really preparing these kids. But, for what? They sure won't be real contenders for success in the REAL world.

Coach Lindsey trying to get the County Commissioners to raise taxes behind your back?

OH - You didn't know this? 

Better keep watch on this one too. Does Coach need more money for recruiting and getting that coveted state championship since that is the number one goal of MSCS.


Leslie M. Shoals


Some personal observations about the suspended Muscle Shoals players:

1. These players didn't just break team rules, they broke the law. If law enforcement had found them, they would have been arrested. Those who were 18 would have had their photo and name published.

2. A curfew of 1:00 a.m. for 16-18 year-olds is entirely too late. (We will happily publish comments from those who disagree.)

2. The suspended players are blaming the school for also suspending Coach Josh Fowler. It's not the school's fault, young men. It's mainly your fault (and Fowler's if he knew), and you should learn to take responsibility for your actions.


We'll update our previous post that those suspended were: 

Two freshmen
One sophomore
One junior
Five seniors

Is there anyone left on the team? We hear that junior varsity has been recruited. Does this not place undue pressure on them? Just a thought...


Please remember that we do not publish comments with profanity. To the person who wrote the comment on the UNA blog, please rewrite it, and we'll happily publish it.


  1. I had a son that graduated with the highly sought after defensive player that went to major state college a few years ago. They played together in JV before the new coach came in. My son, judged his character quickly and told me he had no desire to play for a man like him. I argued as a father should, but later realized my son was right. My younger son was moved by his mother out of state for a month. When he tried to come back to the school system he had been enrolled in his entire life, they would not accept him because his grades weren't where they needed them to be. I can't stand people who get a degree to help children, then forget why they did in the first place.

  2. I graduated from MSHS in 1992. The only thing that mattered back then and apparently now is how much money your parents make, how well you play sports, and how can those two things benefit the school system. We had Seniors driving new cars they were gifted on their birthday and students with low-income parents being bullied with no help or repercussions for the bullies. Not much has changed I guess. When a child can be suspended for coloring their hair, but popular athletes get nothing more than a stern lecture for their part in illegal activies, then the whole school system is failing.

  3. MSHS Band went to Hawaii( a trip they have planned for two years) for spring break with 0 incidents. It all comes from leadership of the program and the band has the finest leadership in the area if not state.

  4. My wife graduated from mshs 3 years ago and she has always said that male coaches would come off in a sexual manner to the female athletes in the new workout facility a d would do things as wink and flirt with them and even a story of one girl having a male coach try to put his hand up the girls shirt and kiss her and coach basden witnessed this and nothing was ever said other than we don't need this getting out it could jeporadize that girls possibility of trying to go to college for a sport or otherwise and that male athletes were constantly harassing the girls exposing themselves and again the females was told to let it go it wasn't that big of a deal and would just get told the same story or subtle threats. It really sounds muscle shoals is really about money and sports someone really needs to open an investigation into all of of these things and think the stuff that would be exposed would stun the entire community

  5. And don't forget a teacher's pictures were posted online of her legs wide open and was only suspended for 3 days.

  6. Yall need a life. The kids see this stuff an they are the ones that suffer! Blah blah blah Muscle shoals..the only difference in other schools an yall is the other ppl put the kids feelings first an yall all trying to see whose the worst an what dirt yall can find an spread on social media. U are the stereotype for muscle shoals,don't make the rest of us look petty too,please an thank u!

  7. Wow...Smh so glad my kids are grown

  8. I love Leslie's articles! They sort put things in perspective. As for coaches making passes, the girls need hidden cameras. Or maybe that's boys too.

  9. Do you really have nothing better to do than to rag on Muscle Shoals and their programs? Better yet, how bout you stop hiding behind a pseudonym and say who you really are. Get a life, "Shoalonda." And as for the accusations about the coaches being sexual towards female student athletes, I worked out in the the same facility that you speak of with the same coaches you are accusing and I have never seen anything too innapropriate for a school. Most of these coaches love their athletes as I they were their own children. As an athlete myself, I have never felt any bit threatened. In closing, the people are too cowardly to tell the world who they really are so that they can have a true debate.

    1. Interesting point, or it would be, if you had bothered to notice that Shoalanda didn't write this. Leslie did, and Leslie lives and works in Muscle Shoals...and has family in the school system. That gives Leslie the right to complain.

  10. Would’ve been an even better lesson had the post stating the cowardice of some not been signed anonymous. Not to mention, North Alabama sports and high schools have a storied history. Perhaps not a Pulitzer or even a Newberry award winning one. What awards do erotic stories win?
