If any of our readers felt a disturbance in the force yesterday, remember it was the first day of a new legislative session in Montgomery, or what many in the state consider Alabama’s answer to Comedy Central. After all, we don’t want to be outdone by Donald and Hillary. The new session is also playing havoc with weather forecasting in south Alabama since Montgomery ground hogs were afraid to exit their dens.
We don’t usually comment on national news, but most of our readers are aware of last month’s helicopter crash in Hawaii which claimed the lives of twelve US Marines, one of them a Florence native. Now it’s been revealed that Lt. Col. Edward Pavelka was relieved from his duty as leader of Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 463 on January 11 because Brig. Gen. Russell Sanborn had lost confidence in his ability. The official inquiries into the crash should be extremely interesting. Unfortunately, if blame for the crash can be placed at shoddy practices initiated by higher ups, it will hardly mitigate the grief of the 12 affected families.
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