Saturday, February 13, 2016

Black History at the TD/Dewey Mitchell

February is Black History Month, and the TimesDaily celebrated by removing Jump Start, the only comic strip it carried to feature predominantly black characters (We’ll miss you, Pop). Also missing is Beetle Bailey. 

The replacements? Lio and Non Sequitur, the latter has always been a winner in our department, but may not have that wide appeal. The former? Lio is pretty hit or miss, but obviously appeals to those who can’t read—the TD’s main audience. Why the change out? We’re guessing money was the bottom line. The TD also replaced Ask Amy with Dear Abby Warmed Over.


It seems that the Shoals Chamber of Commerce will now be looking for a new prexy. Perhaps this position can be filled by one from north of the Mexican border and south of the Canadian border?

So how about the now one month old vacancy in Lauderdale Circuit Court Place One? We don’t expect to see any action on that position until after the March 1st primary. William Smith faces Ben Graves in a hotly contested race for what’s commonly referred to as family court judge. We will begin making endorsements next week.


Note to Lauderdale County Commission Chair Dewey Mitchell concerning the new Florence-Lauderdale Animal Shelter: Perhaps when the county ponies up as much funding as the city, the county may expect equal input into its planning. We’re sure that Florence officials greatly appreciated your telling them where to stick the shelter; now they may feel much more free to tell you where to stick it…


Has John Pilati moved away from Franklin County; he is no longer showing up on the county's sex offender registry.


We are always happy to publish views opposing those we have advocated here. The only exception to that policy involves articles supporting violence and rape, especially those acts aimed at women and children.


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