Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Your Opinions?

As regular readers know, we publish almost all opinions here whether we agree or not. Many times we publish opinion blogs on issues of which we have no knowledge. We always welcome rebuttals. This blog is an outlet for your political voice.

Many do not seem to understand that. Recently we published a blog by an anonymous writer on Missy Homan Hibbett, Lauderdale County Circuit Court Clerk. We don't know what problems may or may not be present in that office. Rebuttals to that particular blog are welcome. No, we do not know the author's real name, nor would we divulge it if we did.

We will say that we know one Lauderdale judge frequently blames Ms. Hibbett for his troubled court. We doubt there is simply one problem that causes all the delays in cases and other snafu's that haunt our local court system.

Comments and blogs are always welcome.


An update/correction on the Huntsville Hospital lease with Keller. This is entirely the responsibility of the Keller board of directors. The members appointed by the Colbert County Commission are completely autonomous after their appointment. There is currently only one board member who was appointed by the county commission. Our apologies for some misleading information.

How can the average Colbert Countian make his/her voice heard with the current Keller board? Send us your ideas and past experiences.


In closing, Lynn Greer... Just where is that bill to abolish the state certificate of need program? You were certainly able to introduce bills which would restrict our voting rights and establish a non-lottery raffle, so where is the bill you promised on the CON? We're waiting.


We regularly receive comments and blogs via third parties. This is acceptable, but you can always reach us via our personal e-mail at


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