Sunday, August 2, 2015

Florence Country Club Sale?

A reader asked if there was any new info on the proposed sale of the Florence Country Club back to the city. As far as we know, there isn't. Another reader had suggested some real estate agent would receive a huge fee from the sale. We're not sure if one needs to be involved, but a real estate attorney would be in on the sale in all probability. Your tax dollars at work

What would this mean for the not-so-booming College of Integrative Quackery founded by Zing Zang Zung? If new UNA prexy Kenneth Kitts wants to take on a real challenge, he'll try to sort through that little debacle.


There has certainly been an up-cropping of green double aiches recently. You know the ones...the italicized capital letters in bold which now precede the name of any Keller facility in Colbert County.

We hope Colbert Countians think of their commission whenever they see the Huntsville Hospital logo connected to that of Keller. Huntsville holds the purse strings; the voters hold the key to the next commission.


On the subject of the Colbert County Commission, we hear that budget woes abound for that august body. Mounting debts are forcing cuts that are not going to make anyone happy. In fact, these reductions will very likely lead to a reduction in key services.

As always, we welcome your comments...


1 comment:

  1. I would be very interested to know how much the county is getting from the leasing of Helen Keller versus how much from a sale. A sale would go a long way in helping with debts.
