We doubt that we have to tell any of our readers that things change...with great regularity. One of the most interesting (read: huh?) changes in any business are the hirings, firings, and constantly changing priorities. Since some editors of the TimesDaily have lasted only a year or so, we've certainly seen enough changes in our local rag over the years.
As soon as the Shelton family purchased the TD, its forum was divested of any regular administration or moderation. Now that the old forum has been replaced by Tennessee Valley Talks, there's an admin on site almost 24/7. Of course, he or she must be bored owing to the small number of posters who have made the move with the new software. Nevertheless, the appointment of an admin signals growth and prosperity. Or does it?
Late last week Cathy Wood announced the TD had chosen to delete her weekly column as a cost cutting measure. When any job is eliminated there will always be various theories as to the real reason. We can certainly rule out any negative comments concerning the area; Miss Wood has always been a regular Pollyanna of the published page. Could it be the powers that be see Wood as something less than the breadwinner in her family? Or...big gasp...because she writes an extracurricular blog on local activities of note?
According to Miss Wood, the TimesDaily will be "dropping some things." That means we should all be anxiously awaiting the other axe, er, shoe to fall.
Do you know a retail establishment or other business that has gone out of its way to help those left in distress by last week's storms? If so, send us the business name and we will dedicate a blog to these commercial angels. We need to patronize those who have helped the area's victims of a fickle Mother Nature.
With less than 24 hours left to vote, Florence is running 60 votes behind Richmond Hill, Georgia, as America's favorite fishing town. Richmond Hill had a population of under 7K in the 2000 census, yet it is leading our area--what a sad commentary. Assuming Florence can win round one, it will then compete in a second round to win a prize of $25,000.00. That's quite a bit of green for our area, and we encourage everyone to vote before the end of the contest tomorrow:

In the "Humor is Where You Find It" department, various news outlets have released pictures of Navy Seals as they would have appeared in the Sunday raid on Bin Laden's compound. Judging from their grab, we're surprised any shots needed to be fired. Couldn't they just have announced, "Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated?"
In the end, the most wanted man in the universe died hiding behind a woman's skirts. We're only sorry there will be no marker on which to inscribe that.