Sunday, November 27, 2016

Chance Aaron Southern/The Ghost in the Camera?

By all accounts, Chance Aaron Southern, 16, has led a troubled life. He first went missing in 2014 at the age of 14. In September of this year he disappeared again in Lauderdale County. The Lauderdale County Sheriff's Office was recently quoted in an article in which authorities theorized the missing youth didn't want to be found due to looming legal problems.

No matter the reason for his vanishing act, young Southern has cost the county time and money. Now he's posting on Facebook, having updated his profile pic two weeks ago. We don't know what legal consequences Southern is looking at in Lauderdale County, but we suspect a small reward might do the trick in finding our perp/runaway. 


We couldn't help but notice the nine friends of Chance Southern that FB offered up to us on his timeline page. No, we don't know any of them personally, but we knew of 1/3 of them. One is similarly missing Savannah Clever, while a second was a witness to a recent Colbert County shooting, while a third is a frequent flyer in Lauderdale courts, having been accused of assaulting "elderly" victims for money and drugs.

Dogs. Fleas. Got it?


A professional photographer has speculated the ghostly light present in a recent TD photograph taken in the Colbert County Courthouse was the result of an ISO setting that was too high. A faithful friend and reader has similarly informed us that the sleeves on the robe worn by Judge Chad Coker in that nebulous photo are fitted at the wrist to facilitate writing. That would certainly account for at least part of the flaring effect.

All comments on the allegedly haunted courthouse welcome.

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