We've heard for some time that if you have enough money, your name won't appear in the Shoals Insider should you be arrested. Apparently that's not true of the Quad-Cities Daily which didn't hesitate to publish Michael Jason Isbell's mug shot.
Isbell is known for his band the 400 Unit. Here's a shot of the Killen resident looking just a little more spiffy...
If you're wondering about the title of today's blog, it's a take-off on a sign that's gaining quite a bit of attention in Russellville. Here's Bailey's Bailiwick:
We've Got It & It's Cold!
Drive north on Hwy 43 in Russellville and you can't miss the sign on the old Golden Corral steakhouse. We guess subtlety isn't the owner's strong point, but with all the restrictions the town is placing on alcohol sales, maybe they just wanted the local gourmets to know they can buy Blue Ribbon to go with their tacos.
Not to be outdone, the church down the block has put up their own sign: We've Got It & It's Free. I've got a pretty good idea it isn't beer or steak, but here's hoping someone will build a decent American restaurant in town. If you don't like Mexican or Chinese you're plumb out of luck.
Driving through Russellville is sort of like being in that Sylvester Stallone movie where all the restaurants were named Taco Bell. No wonder Wendy's is always crowded.
The TimesDaily is reporting activity in the Lauderdale County Sheriff's office is getting back to normal after recent remodeling. They have a "normal?" Stay tuned...
Comments welcome. No profanity, vulgarity, or libelous statements...
Hey we do have a steakhouse in Franklin County now. It's on Hwy 24 in the Belgreen community, it's called Papaw Bill's steakhouse and it's delicious!!