Friday, January 27, 2012

Hank Thomas Critiques the Lauderdale County Commission

Dewey Mitchell

"The Lauderdale County Commission lives in the past," according to Waterloo resident Hank Thomas. Thomas further links Commissioners Larry Irons and D. C. Thornton with Dewey Mitchell, who will be seeking his first term in the new position of County Commission Chair. According to this most persistent critic, these two commissioners "take their lead" from Mitchell and vote as he wishes them to.

Thomas presents at least two interesting issues. It seems the county's emergency plan was last updated in 1998. Since then, the commission paid 10K for a new plan in 2008, but has yet to review it--a necessary step before it can be implemented. At this rate, the "new" plan will be out of date before it's inaugurated.

Thomas' second issue with the commission is the 9:00 a.m. meeting times. Obviously, most working individuals are not able to be present at these semi-monthly events. Thomas states there was once a suggestion to move the meetings to a later hour, but no vote was ever taken on the issue, nor was it ever broached by any commission member after the initial introduction by a county citizen.

Hank Thomas wants all Lauderdale County citizens to become involved in its government. We here at Shoalanda Speaks lobby for the same end. Our commission members need new leadership, not the same good ol' boy politics they have experienced since 1994.


We hope the Lauderdale County Sheriff's Department has enough furnishings and supplies to fill its new offices. It seems one retailer refused to sell any merchandise to the department when its credit card was rejected. Did someone forget to pay the bill?


1 comment:

  1. I forget who said this "Politicians should be like underwear, changed often."
