Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What Do You Say to a Naked Man... On the Rocks in downtown Florence? Apparently four Florence police officers were unable to communicate with the streaker and tased him into submission. We're sure this was a difficult choice for the officers and one that will be thoroughly investigated.

We do wonder why the bar's management failed to see the problems with this customer before he totally disrobed. Here's a somewhat dark video of the take-down:

WAFF Video


Malware at the Courthouse Forum? For some time we've provided a link to the Courthouse Forum's Alabama site; however, this website has recently had problems with malware. Therefore, we have removed the link. If you have previously visited this site, your anti-virus software should have taken care of any would-be infections. Once the problems with this site have been corrected, we will return it to our list of links.


Clarification: Number of Yes Votes Required for Rogersville to Go Wet

According to your reader's calculations, "Rogersville could go wet with as few as 222 voters checking yes on the special ballot."

I know what the reader is trying to say; he/she is being theoretical, based on the number of people who voted in the most recent Rogersville municipal general election. Obviously, the number of 'yes' votes required for passage of such a referendum would depend on the number of total votes cast. (I think/assume the reader is merely saying: if the same number of people who voted in the most recent Rogersville municipal general election were to vote on a Rogersville alcohol sales referendum, then 222 would be enough 'yeses' for it to pass. The reader is close. 440 people voted in the most recent Rogersville general municipal election, in which case 221 'yes' votes to 219 'no' votes would be enough to pass such a referendum.)

As you probably know, according to Alabama law, in order for an alcohol sales referendum to be placed on a municipal ballot, the petition must contain 30% of the number of voters who participated in the most recent municipal general election. (That doesn't mean that the petition signers have to have *voted* in the most recent municipal general election -- that is, it's not 30% of those who *participated* in the most recent municipal general election; it's 30% of the number of *votes cast* in the most recent municipal general election. When it comes time for a city to validate an alcohol sales referendum petition, the city will look at two things: is the signer a registered voter, and does he/she live within the town limits? If so, the signature counts towards that 30% threshold.)

FYI, as I understand it, local businessman Joe Warren didn't *start* the petition drive; his business is one of several locations at which the petitions are currently available.

Thanks to "B" for this in depth look at what may, or may not, happen in November. We are currently taking guest commentaries on the issue and will publish them as space permits.


From C. R. in Cherokee:

Lessons Not Learned

Cherokee City Councilman Mike Malone voted to pay for a training class and reimburse the mileage for his wife city clerk Melinda Malone. The new city attorney Don Rosser stepped in and advised Councilman Malone that the vote was an ethics issue and he should withdraw his vote. The council voted to allow Councilman Malone to withdraw his vote.

During a discussion about the hiring of Councilman Steve Glover’s mother-in-law Becky Berryman Wadkins, Anna Wadkins Glover told Mayor Lansdell “he was nothing more than pure trash“. The Mayor pointed out that Wadkins has filed suit against the city in relation to a workers comp claim. Councilman Steve Glover’s wife Anna might want to look at the minutes from the December 8, 2009 council meeting. The council discussed a matter in relation to Becky Berryman Wadkins filing a claim against the City of Cherokee.

Councilpersons Malone, Mason, and Franks hired Becky Berryman Wadkins. The city attorney advised the council that they could hire someone but Mayor Lansdell had the full authority to fire that person.

The council agreed to give the senior’s center two thousand dollars to help them get through the rest of the year. The council agreed to approve all bills and invoices. One of the approved bills was for Dan Rosser. He got paid two hundred and forty dollars. He attended a 10 minute special called meeting. It must be nice. Rosser also stated he wanted a contact with the city. He wanted to know what he can bill for. He stated that the city council members are calling him almost every day and he wanted to know what to bill for.

Councilman Steve Glover was a no show to the council meeting and the big fireworks never went off. A person was unable to get a few items on the meetings agenda. The fireworks will have to wait until the next council meeting.



Coming soon...get connected!