...Only ten weeks until Halloween. It may seem early, but we don't want our readers to miss out on any of the fun. First, Vinnie Grosso and friends have a new attraction to scare the daylights out of the Shoals. Here's the link to Arx Mortis: Link
For those of you more faint of heart, K's Cove in Elgin has just gotten in a new shipment of Debra Glass' series of local ghost tales. Hurry--these don't last long.
Now, for something even more scary, we return to Cherokee. Here's our promised guest commentary by J. J. Ray:
Cherokee Turning Again
When is the truth not the truth and not a lie? Confused yet, I was. That is when I decided to find some semblance of the truth in Cherokee. The blogs have had a field day with the goings on there. Now that does make for good copy but not necessarily the truth.
Tiring of all the drama, I decided to try to find the underlying cause of the fighting. I called Melanie Malone to inquire about her husband being “Big Bad Mike”, enemy of cheerleaders and football players.
Surprisingly the truth is simple. On the day in question, a state employee who uses the city office from time to time observed some folks he had never seen before. He called “Big Bad Mike” and shared his concern. Mike in turn called an officer to investigate. The officer reported to Mike about the strange folks and who they were and that they had permission. Situation resolved in a jiff. Now that is not how the blogs portrayed the situation. A little truth and a lot of abhorrence.
There was not at any time an eviction of those at city hall by “Big Bad Mike”. It was simply an honest mistake by a state employee. No one was harmed and or/embarrassed.The state employee did his job as well as “Big Bad Mike”.
While discussing this incident with others I learned that there are five or six citizens that are unhappy with some on the council. No one in government is going to make everyone happy, that is a given. Grow up and get over it.
There is however the ballot box. Those that are disgruntled can voice their dissatisfaction. Now that is the American Way. Constant dissension, bickering, and massaging facts to suit your agenda is nothing more than impugning someone’s integrity and character assassination. In addition, it was done quite poorly. They should take lessons from those that tried to get Sara Palin or “Moveon.Org”. They are professionals at character.
Whether or not Mike Malone has compromised his position is a matter for those charged with policing ethical matters. If charges have been filed, remember, in this country everyone is innocent until proven guilty. That also is the American Way. I have taken many liberties with the situation in Cherokee as it is such good fodder for columns but this last attack by the blogger has gone too far. I have discovered in life there are some who would tell a half-truth when veracity would serve them better. One final comment, I believe Mike Malone’s chances of being elected mayor are far better then the blogger who hides behind an iniquitous blog and massages the truth.
Meet Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn and Mo Brooks Saturday August 14th at 9:00 a.m. in Florence. Are you concerned about the direction of our country? Would you like to be involved and help elect Mo Brooks to unseat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and stop Senator Harry Reid and President Barack Obama from doing any more damage to America’s foundational values and beliefs?
Come and hear Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn speak about the importance of electing a Republican House this fall to help unseat Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Congresswoman Blackburn was the first woman elected to the US House from the state of Tennessee. She has been an outspoken advocate of defending and expanding individual freedom and free enterprise. She is an up and coming leader and is often seen as a GOP spokesperson on Fox News and other news
Mo Brooks and Congresswoman Blackburn will be at the Lauderdale County Republican Headquarters this Saturday, August 14 at 9:00 a.m. Please join us for coffee and donuts and let’s work together to change the direction of our country. This is a free event. The address for
the Headquarters is 1905 Florence Boulevard, Suite A. It is across the street from Hobby Lobby and next to Popeye’s. Please invite your friends and we hope to see you there!
Get connected in September!