Thursday, July 25, 2024

Leading Cause of Death for Alabama Children


This is not about guns. This is about irresponsible adults who fail to keep their firearms in a safe place, allowing young children to find them or thugs to steal them.

* Guns are the leading cause of death for Alabama children (a child for this purpose is someone who hasn't reached the age of 18).

* In 2021, the number of children who died by gun in this state was 80. Many more were injured.

* In the past nine months, two children have been shot in the town of Sheffield, one dying. Authorities say that in neither case was the child the intended victim.

Are we in the Shoals proud of this?

1 comment:

  1. The NRA *used* to teach 'gun safety' in schools through the 'Eddie Eagle' program. You can thank 'progressive' politicians and liberal school board members for ending that. They claimed that 'they were afraid kids would be made 'too curious' about firearms if exposed to them, even in a safety program'. Yeah.... It would be interesting to see if there is a correlation between a 'rise in deaths and the ending of that program'.
