Wednesday, March 19, 2025

A Flood of Protests in Muscle Shoals - Part II


Muscle Shoals Residents Get Ready!!

Muscle Shoals residents deserve so much better than the Mayor and City Council we have. More evident than ever, we see their poor management and lack of strategic planning is causing problems across the city and in many subdivisions and home. Let's talk about the water. And, I mean a LOT OF WATER. 

A few months ago, City Clerk Ms. Brittney Walters and Mayor Mike Lockhard told the council they wanted half of the flood control tax money to put into their own special projects. And, of course, the council voted UNANIMOUS to hand the money over to Mikie and Ms. Walters. with no specific "projects" or heaven forbid, any plans for avoiding floods in citizens' homes and vehicles.

Now, as we knew it would happen, FLASH FLOODS CAME. Once again, neighborhoods were flooded, roads were impassable, water rose high enough to get in cars, homes were damaged while drains were stopped up from lack of maintenance.

This is the deal, this mayor, city clerk, and city council have done nothing to insure maintenance, and flood abatement. Their priorities are buying new vehicles (a lot of them), travel, remodeling their offices, short work days (or none at all), handing out "tax abatements" to their buddies, and blowing money, leaving a $1700.00 surplus in the general fund at the end of the year.  That's right - $1700.00.

MIKE LOCKHARD - CHRIS HALL - GINA CLARK - KEN SOCKWELL - WILLIS THOMPSON - YOU ARE A DISGRACE. Granted most of you are not Muscle Shoals natives. You moved here to enjoy what we ONCE HAD. Thanks to each of you, collectively you have brought our city down. You've managed in less than 5 years to make this city a dirty, trash filled, unkept and neglected shell of what it once was. Our founding fathers and past Mayors would be so embarrassed at how quickly you have created an economic disaster.

When were the last big paving jobs?  I can tell you, it was when David Bradford was mayor. What business owner has seen Mike Lockhard visiting and asking how he can help - as far as that goes, when does anyone see Mike Lockhard? He certainly doesn't return phone calls and even when his vehicle is at City Hall, most people are told "he isn't in". When do you see the city council members except when they show up for the quick work session and meeting? 2 times a month for a couple of hours for $700 a month! That's $350.00 for each meeting - not to mention all their traveling and staying in the high priced resorts on our tax dollars! What have they accomplished on those out of town trips that benefits us, the citizens? We hear a lot of lip service and "what we are going to do", but quite frankly, their babbling is nothing more than noise.

MIKE LOCKHARD - CHRIS HALL - GINA CLARK - KEN SOCKWELL - WILLIS THOMPSON - YOU ARE FAILURES. YOU ARE FIRED. WE WILL VOTE YOU ALL OUT THIS AUGUST 2025. You are welcome to do like David Moore and resign to avoid the embarrassment.

WE DESERVE BETTER - We deserve flood control, street and drainage maintenance. We deserve to have phone calls returned. WE DESERVE BETTER.

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