Regular readers know that we're no fan of Rogersville mayor Richard Herston. Our "beef" with him goes back years to a time when drag racing in the industrial park was upsetting many residents. Herston indicated that he had never given anyone a permit to drag race any where in his town. That was completely true - he had given the drag racers a parade permit for the industrial park. Herston is, if anything, the epitome of a politician.
Now recent storms have wreaked havoc in many areas of Rogersville. That's not anything one is ever completely prepared for, and cleanup has taken weeks. It may be months before all storm debris is removed from lawns and rural roads.
Yet, Herston is seeking to speed up the process:
As you can see, the good mayor has amended his first edict; however, most citizens remain upset that the town has offered so little help in their cleanup efforts. How many homes are occupied solely by women who are physically incapable of this massive cleanup...and perhaps don't have the immediate cash to hire a tree crew to assist? Even when males are present, they usually work five days a week. There aren't enough local laborers to remove debris from the entire town in a "timely fashion."
Our friends at the Alabama Onion have a totally appropriate take on this:
Sheffield should adopt Herston's stance on 'maintaining property in a neat and orderly fashion'.