Monday, March 17, 2025

A Flood of Protests in Muscle Shoals - Part I


Mr. Lockhard, we understand you aren't concerned with the preparation for storms and we want to reassure you, we will actively take this latest "situation" as you call these damaging floods, to the polls in August. Every citizen is going to be informed and candidates are going to work tirelessly to address the flooding issues you and this city council do not prepare for. This "situation" as you so casually call major damage and expense to citizens, is something we take seriously and hope the new mayor and city council elected in August will too. We are working to Make Muscle Shoals Great Again.

We are fully aware of the damages along Wilson Dam Road, Nathan Estates, Cornelius Landing, Cypress Lakes, Cottonwood, Little Cottonwood, and so many other subdivisions. On the other hand, it's obvious you aren't. We're amazed that after 5 years of you sitting in your office, and 8 years on the city council that you are not "fully aware" as your list was rather short, which once again shows how little you know of the magnitude of damage to our neighbor's properties and this city. You failed to mention a sink hole on a major street in our little swamp city for some reason. Let me repeat - a sink hole on a major street. We have been patient long enough, you can't manage City Hall much less the ditch in front of the mall.

We will stay safe distances from you and the city council as you keep trying to reach in our back pockets for every single penny you can get for yours, City Clerk Walters and this city council's extravagant spending sprees. Where are the millions from the flood control account the city council blindly voted to give you and Ms. Walters for your "special projects"?

We will continue to update each other through social media and blogs while you sit behind your desk writing meaningless words and avoid person to person contact. We will flood the polls in August and wash away the waste, and useless politicians.

Words of advice: a wise man never waits for a flood to build an ark.

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