From a Muscle Shoals reader:
I can't remember Muscle Shoals School System ever having such a low State Department Of Education score. 2024 made history - in a bad way - for Muscle Shoals. If you think your children are getting a good education in Muscle Shoals, think again. It would be wise to move out of Muscle Shoals schools before they get to the high school where it makes or breaks their chances for a college scholarship or a good career.
Our current superintendent Chad Holden hired one of his buddies as principal at the high school and test scores have fallen much more each year than we were prepared for. It's bad enough that Holden doesn't know how to manage a complex operation, but he is obviously lacking in academic strategic planning and execution. If Chad Holden's goal is to destroy the Muscle Shoals City School System, that he is successful at. Maybe he is feeling just a little sting of failure as any normal person would, he still has time to get out before the big "F" report card comes. It would behove the school board to invite High School Principal Davis to pack his bags too.
It's further evident that this school board is totally blind, or maybe incapable themselves, to understand the severity of the situation. What say you CITY COUNCIL? Proud of that 79 grade and the lack of leadership of those you and Holden choose to "Make Muscle Shoals Great Again"?
If Holden, as a previous history teacher, were half as intelligent as he thinks he is, he would have learned the one thing most people learn from history is that they don't learn from history.
Chad Holden tried the elected position as Lauderdale County School Board member and failed miserably, just as he has in his current role. Word has it that Democrat Holden is now courting the Colbert County Republican Committee while he's banking on their endorsement to run for a state office. Are the rumors true that Democrat Holden is going to run as a Republican for State Senate? With his past record of failures, he has a tall hill to climb. Some of us never forget.
Demotrash destroy everything they touch. That is PROVEN 'history'.