Sunday, July 21, 2024

No Difference in Resume' and Ballot except Voters


On July 30th, the five current members of the Florence City Council will select a new member to represent District 2. Yes, that was five...5...FIVE. That's in opposition to the over 2K who voted in that district in the last municipal election. Basically the only difference in the election processes is the numbers...and of course the fact that none from the council actually lives in District 2.

Now, let's look at something very odd. We profiled all five candidates, numbering them in alphabetical order. We had much more data on two of the candidates than we did the others. Our published info came from the candidates themselves and/or previously published biographies.

On July 13th, we profiled candidate Jackie Lloyd Hendrix. Five days later we received two disparaging comments - one from a member of the Alabama State Legislature who resides in a Colbert County town and one from a laborer who resides in a Lauderdale County village.

Both our posters, even though they were at opposite ends of the socio-cognitive spectrum, took umbrage at us mentioning the candidate's family before he was even selected. Let's throw some logic into the mix; families and their associations can make or break an election. We seem to remember the Colbert County reader mentioning his family when he ran for the state house.

There was one dramatic difference between the two criticisms: the Lauderdale manual laborer called our bloggers a vulgar name. Yes, he's banned.

Many who live in District 2 have waited years for a council member who isn't given to special interests and who truly cares about the area. Let's not mess it up with Dick v. 2.0!

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