Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Dick Jordan's Parting Gift

From the Florence Detective:

There was a headline in the June 20th edition of the Times Daily: JORDAN TO RESIGN FROM COUNCIL! He had found that after over three decades in Florence city government it was interfering with his insurance business. WHAT? The article went on to say that Jackie Hendrix, owner of Party Pros, was recommended by Jordan to take his place. Many were happy with the news to see that Dick Jordan was retiring no matter what reason was given. However implausible. Including this reporter. 

Just Say No to the "Pro"

Personally, I will always remember his statement several years back during the Retirement Systems of Alabama controversy where they wanted to take the TVA trail areas to build a golf course. When the Robert Trent Jones golf course and Marriott hotel were being proposed and requesting millions from city taxpayers, Dick Jordan declared that the building of these would be the equivalent of the Mercedes Benz plant that had just opened in Tuscaloosa to the city of Florence! 

Personal opinions of bad judgment on Jordan’s part aside, some inquiring minds wondered how he could just hand-pick his successor who would take his seat without a special election. Bernie Delinski of the TD further wrote in the article: "It would take a majority vote of the council to appoint Hendrix. His appointment would be for the district 2 council position.” To some the idea of Dick Jordan just naming his replacement and the council ushering him into the seat as a District 2 city council member just did not seem right. What happened to the election process?

A big chunk of the July 2 council meeting was city attorney Billy Musgrove attempting to explain the law from the code of Alabama that allowed such proceedings. Remarks from those in attendance when it came time for public input gave case numbers explaining that in the event a council member leaves his position with more than one year left on the term a special election was required. Mr. Musgrove almost tied himself into a legal pretzel defending his interpretation of the law. The council did not seem to question his edicts. 

Honestly, it was almost like witnessing the operation of what I imagine the politburo was like in the former Soviet Union. It seems the only point any on the council were willing to bend in the slightest on was instead of appointing someone NOW at the meeting, they would publicize the “opening” and allow those interested in the seat to “present their resume” and wait until the July 16th meeting to make their decision. 

Dust off those resumes for a council seat in District 2 if interested! This sounded more like the rules for a game show than for a city council seat. So, it looks like the current council is determined to appoint a replacement for Dick Jordan. Want to bet on the outcome? My money is on Dick’s pick: Jackie Hendrix. Who needs pesky elections anyway?

An interesting side note is the comments section where citizens can leave remarks on Facebook during the live stream of the meeting read: “City of Florence, Alabama - Government limited who can comment on this post” Apparently not only is the Florence City council refusing to hold a special election for a vacant council seat, but they also now will not let citizens voice opinions on their actions. I think I am going to practice how to say this phrase in Russian: I SPEAK VERY LITTLE RUSSIAN! Ya nemnOgo govor’yU porUsski !.... It might come in handy someday.

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