Tuesday, July 23, 2024

We're No Fan of Amber Rose, but...


We're not sure who said it first, possibly Ben Shaprio, but Amber Rose has never appeared in any porn. At one time, she was a stripper. That's not an ideal career, but it's still not making porn.

If you want to criticize this Trump supporter, do so because she was idiotic enough to date antisemite Kanye West for two years. This election just became much closer; Trump needs all the help he can get at this point.


Just an observation, but we've often wondered if Ben Shapiro's commentary is akin to performance art ala Tucker Carlson. Shapiro, while he often has some interesting and valid points, seems to put down women and their place in society.

Shapiro's wife? She's a physician. 


  1. So much for the 'Party of Inclusion'. No differing of opinions allowed.

  2. Yep ....Second Verse, same as the First. They MAY learn, but it will probably be too late.
