Monday, July 15, 2024

The Next Florence Mayor


What do you want from the next Florence mayor? There are currently three bloggers here who live in the City of Florence. We're pretty sure there is no unanimous opinion on whom to support for the City's highest office, but we can tell you what we believe to be of the greatest importance:

1. Support of Florence-Lauderdale Animal Services. There has been no real support under Betterton, and our animals have suffered.

2. A review of all department heads to include job performance and falsified resumes.

3. Either cease throwing funds at various churches (Salvationists come to mind) or give to all churches equally.

We welcome comments from citizens of Florence. Tell us what you think the new mayor should accomplish during the 2025-2029 term.


Live in Muscle Shoals, Sheffield, Tuscumbia, or Russellville? Tell us the most important changes or improvements needed in your town.


Coming soon - Who condones selective prosecution and can Joe Average bring a lawsuit on behalf of the citizens?


  1. Much-needed 'improvementa' for Sheffield: Where does one begin?
    * Street PAVING. Enough of the 'parch 1 pot hole, skip 3 approach'.
    * Rigorous ENFORCEMENT of city ordinancea re: derelict vehicles/properties, illegal dumping, trash piling up on streets, etc. This is America, NOT Somalia.
    * Increased neighborhood police patrols and traffic enforcement.

  2. You mean a Florence dept head lied on his resume'? As in claiming he's a professor at UNA? Isn't his 15 minutes up along with Dick's?
