Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Muscle Shoals Homecoming Election: "Obvious and Unfair"


Nothing says Autumn like homecoming...except when homecoming is scheduled two weeks before the end of summer. We understand that school schedules today reflect the need to get a certain number of days into the school year with the least amount of upheaval to classes. How does that work in Muscle Shoals?

July 23rd - Homecoming court announced

August 5th - First day of school

September 6th - Homecoming (think it might be a mite hot?)

Now, for the complaints...

1. Why vote before the start of school when there are 32 days between that date and homecoming?

2. Why vote by email when this might not be the preferred method of communication for rising seniors? (Aren't rising juniors and sophomores included?)

3. Aren't those students with no access to email technically disenfranchised from the process?

4. What lucky person has to handle complaints from students/parents who say they didn't know about the election and want a do-over?

5. Is Muscle Shoals the only system that uses this method?


Joke of the day: A school superintendent walks into a bar (or something similar) and asks to see the mayor. When the receptionist checks, she tells the super that the mayor isn't in. The super leaves and the mayor then goes back to reading his newspaper in peace.

What? You don't think it's hilarious? Well, it's not like it really happened or that the mayor laughed about it or anything...ahem.

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