Sunday, July 14, 2024

American Greed: Nursing Homes and Extortion


The following was sent to us by a reader who provided his name; however, we are publishing this without attribution at this time. If there should be substantial questions or a follow up, we may identify the author at that time.

In September of 2023 I was blessed to have the opportunity to care for my 83 year old sister that was sent to a rehabilitation facility to help get her back on her feet after a lengthy hospital stay. She was admitted as a eehabilitation patient only, covered by her insurance provider. 

From the onset it has been an uphill battle. Soon after she was admitted to the rehab facility, she contracted an intestinal disorder called C-Diff. She was placed in isolation for 14 days with minimal contact. This further delayed her rehabilitation progress. 

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. My sister has been shuffled between the rehab facility and numerous hospitals for the last few months. Most of her hospital stays have been lengthy, two weeks or more. 

According to the rehabilitation facility admissions registration "any patient who is hospitalized for more than 3 days" must be discharged from their facility. All the times my sister was admitted to any hospital, she was kept on the rehab facility books so that she had to pay to HOLD her bed. 

Bottom line is that the hospital AND the rehab facility were getting paid by the Federal Government. From September to November the rehab facility was charging my sister's insurance for rehabilitation. 

In December I started paying my sister's entire Social Security check to the rehab facility. In January/February she was approved for Medicaid, which paid additional money to the rehab facility for the months of September, October and November. 

For the last 6 months I have been hounded by the office manager of the rehab facility for back payment for the months of September, October and November. All of which have been paid by insurance AND Medicaid. 

On 5 July 2024, I went to pay the office manager for my sister's July expenses. Again I was jumped on about the back payments. Again I explained to her that the rehab facility was already taking everything my sister has. All my sister has is a Social Security check each month and NO other assets. The rehab facility takes everything but $28.00 a month. 

The conversation was overheard by the administrator. The administrator told me that unless the back payments were  made, he WOULD EVICT MY SISTER FROM HIS FACILITY WITHIN 30 DAYS. 


ALL statements made can be backed up by either a hard copy or by audio/video recordings. Names and places have been omitted, but will be provided upon request.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like it's time to get a good attorney involved.
