Saturday, July 20, 2024

Did William Foster Get a Job at Texas Roadhouse?


He's the mayor of Tuscumbia. He's at an official ceremony inside Tuscumbia City Hall. Why is he wearing a hat?

1. He likes to break rules?

2. He's not smart enough to know better?

3. He's drunk?

4. He wanted to see if Shoalanda etal. was paying attention?

Indeed we are. William Foster has won the Born in a Barn award!


For those who are manners-challenged, here's the rule:

All hats should be removed upon entering indoors, which includes houses of worship (unless customary otherwise, like at Jewish synagogues), public buildings, and private homes, especially at mealtimes. Exceptions include when attending indoor athletic events, taking public transportation, or traversing public thoroughfare spaces such as airports, hotel lobbies, and elevators.

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