Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Tuscaloosa Store Removes Ammo Kiosk


They're new, shiny, feature a U.S. flag, and sell real bullets. Until last week, Alabama had two of the these mechanical marvels that work with facial recognition software (Read: John Wahl and family will never use to purchase their ammo).

One of these two American Rounds vending marvels was placed in Pell City, while the second was located in Tuscaloosa. The Tuscaloosa City Council thought the machine was a joke, then checked its legality. It seems it was absolutely legal, but not the money maker its host store had hoped for. The vending novelty was removed a few days before the Trump assassination attempt.

In case you want to visit Pell City just for the giggles, make sure your hair color and style match your driver license. The machine is uber picky and prefers to err on the side of caution. It's also pricey.

Are we sure this is what James Madison had in mind?

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