Thursday, July 18, 2024

Who Wants Info about District 2 Candidates Hidden?


We recently ran short bios on the five candidates for the new District 2 Florence rep. All information came from public bios with the exception of River Zurinsky's. River was kind enough to send us the same bio he used for his application to replace Dick Jordan.

As we do with all our blogs, we linked these candidate bios to Facebook. Now FB has removed two as Spam. Why?

The first was Mr. Zurinsky's. It was long, but we have no idea why FB's new AI editor would consider it spam. The second was Inga Carroll-Harden's. We did mention the name of her downtown business; is that spam? 1984 is here; it's just 40 years late.

We've had some public comment on our bio of Jackie Hendrix. Horrors, we mentioned his family. Politicians usually mention their families in their press releases, and Hendrix has the most PUBLIC info of any of the candidates. Jimmy Hickman has the least public info, so his bio was the shortest; if we had known more, we would have published more.

Whoever the lucky/unlucky winner of the private selection is, we will be doing a much more in depth blog on their background. This is common in politics in a world where senators and their wives take bribes and local representatives give their entire families jobs at taxpayer expense.


While on the subject of politics, we received some criticism for mentioning many can't spell J.D. Vance's last name. It's both sad and humorous and has nothing to do with Vance himself. This just shows how so many take offense at the slightest statement. 

The candidate was dressed in blue? Hey, what's wrong with blue?

This country needs to see the bigger picture and very quickly.

1 comment:

  1. 'Is '1984' here?' You answered your own question by referrencing Orwell's novel.
