Tuesday, July 9, 2024

RIP TimesDaily/TVT Forum


It was in 2004/5 that the TimesDaily introduced its forum. At its inception, it was merely a long page of topics with little formatting. As it grew in popularity, software was introduced and it expanded its audience even more.

As usually happens when a large group of people comment on issues, many of them political, factions sprang up, and petty or even malicious bickering became the norm. One often saw more bans than new members.

With new Decatur owners, a third format and a new name was introduced. The TimesDaily Forum became Tennessee Valley Talks. Commenters shrank to around four who regularly spewed their alt-right opinions. Then there were only two.

One wondered how long the powers that controlled the forum would think it was still worthwhile. Then in June, the TVT screen told readers that it was "temporarily" off line.

Will the twenty year-old Internet dinosaur return? We doubt it. In this day of more social media than IBM ever imagined, what's the point?

Want your opinion heard? Write your councilperson. Go to council meetings. Keep going. 2025 is just around the corner.

It's What George Washington Would Do


  1. So....if all of the TVT forum 'members', played nice, sat around a campfire, and drank the 'alt-Left' Kool Aid, TVT would still be there?

    1. It might still be there if ANY local problems were discussed, but that became a thing of the past.

    2. I see your point. There certainly seem to be more than enough local proble.s to discuss. I often wondered how many of the posters on TVT actually lived in The Shoals?
