Monday, July 29, 2024

John Wahl Tells Another Whopper


You have to wonder if Alabama Republican chair John Wahl intentionally lies when he feels like it. Or does he get so carried away with himself that he doesn't even know what he's saying? Or perhaps he's just mistaken frequently?

And how does his Anabaptist family feel about his lies? If having your photo taken is a sin, surely telling an outright lie to make a point has to be less than desirable behavior.

Wahl recently stated on the Jeff Poor radio show that vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance is opposed to induced abortion in all instances, even when the mother's life is endangered. What does Vance say? He's stated there should be reasonable exceptions, although rape isn't one of them.

Surely, with all the Republicans in this state, there's someone more honest and intelligent out there than John Wahl...isn't there?


Speaking of rape, we're hoping to get a few more replies to our question concerning believable accusations. How many alleged victims does it take to make you believe a man is indeed a rapist?

Is it two, three, whatever? Let us know what you think.

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