Sunday, July 28, 2024

How Many...?


We want answers, so feel free to comment on Facebook or on our blog itself.

1. How many of you are single cat moms?

2. How many of you are single cat dads?

3. How many of you think your vote is less important since you're not married and have no human children?


The above questions were just for fun, but this one is very serious. Think about it and give us your honest answer:

While a woman can, and sometimes does, report a rape that never happened, how many victims who don't know each other would it take to convince you that someone was a sexual predator? Victims who not only didn't know each other or know what had been reported by others and who could give verifiable time, date, and circumstances?

Would it be two? Or would it take three? How about more? We want to know what you think.

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