Thursday, July 4, 2024

Independence Day 2024


In two years, our country will be celebrating its semiquintcentennial. That is if we're still here. 

We understand that Monday may bring some important news. In the meantime, pray for our country.

We all have something in common; let's think on that, and above all:

Happy Birthday, America!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Will Your Insurance Cover Being Kicked to the Curb by Florence?


Things that are very wrong or even dishonest in current Florence City government:

1. There are two competing reasons being given for Dick Jordan's resignation: Business or Health. Which is it? Why the obfuscation?

2. Commenting was turned off for the July 2nd council meeting broadcast on Facebook. The city wanted no comments whatsoever? Why?

3. During the last meeting, city attorney Bill Musgrove felt the need to spar with a resident whose opinion he didn't like. Bad form, very bad form.

4. Just throwing this in: Who was city attorney before Bill Musgrove Jr.? Who sold the city the land for the current animal shelter? Do you know the meaning of the phrase "Nepo Baby?"

5. Now that Tricky Dicky has his son Bill and that priest of presentism Brian Murphy ensconced in city government, he wants to name his own replacement. Much more on this later.

6. Why didn't the TimesDaily mention the three who spoke against naming Jackie Hendrix to the council? 

7. Why is Jimmy Oliver worried about District 2 having no representation for two weeks.? Dick never answered calls or emails anyway.

8. Will Kaytrina Simmons get hazardous duty pay for taking over Tricky Dicky's mess?

We could go on, but we'll let our readers in Florence ruminate on these tidbits until after the holiday.

Thought for the day: With all their money, why is it neither Biden nor Trump has a decent haircut?

Dick Jordan's Parting Gift

From the Florence Detective:

There was a headline in the June 20th edition of the Times Daily: JORDAN TO RESIGN FROM COUNCIL! He had found that after over three decades in Florence city government it was interfering with his insurance business. WHAT? The article went on to say that Jackie Hendrix, owner of Party Pros, was recommended by Jordan to take his place. Many were happy with the news to see that Dick Jordan was retiring no matter what reason was given. However implausible. Including this reporter. 

Just Say No to the "Pro"

Personally, I will always remember his statement several years back during the Retirement Systems of Alabama controversy where they wanted to take the TVA trail areas to build a golf course. When the Robert Trent Jones golf course and Marriott hotel were being proposed and requesting millions from city taxpayers, Dick Jordan declared that the building of these would be the equivalent of the Mercedes Benz plant that had just opened in Tuscaloosa to the city of Florence! 

Personal opinions of bad judgment on Jordan’s part aside, some inquiring minds wondered how he could just hand-pick his successor who would take his seat without a special election. Bernie Delinski of the TD further wrote in the article: "It would take a majority vote of the council to appoint Hendrix. His appointment would be for the district 2 council position.” To some the idea of Dick Jordan just naming his replacement and the council ushering him into the seat as a District 2 city council member just did not seem right. What happened to the election process?

A big chunk of the July 2 council meeting was city attorney Billy Musgrove attempting to explain the law from the code of Alabama that allowed such proceedings. Remarks from those in attendance when it came time for public input gave case numbers explaining that in the event a council member leaves his position with more than one year left on the term a special election was required. Mr. Musgrove almost tied himself into a legal pretzel defending his interpretation of the law. The council did not seem to question his edicts. 

Honestly, it was almost like witnessing the operation of what I imagine the politburo was like in the former Soviet Union. It seems the only point any on the council were willing to bend in the slightest on was instead of appointing someone NOW at the meeting, they would publicize the “opening” and allow those interested in the seat to “present their resume” and wait until the July 16th meeting to make their decision. 

Dust off those resumes for a council seat in District 2 if interested! This sounded more like the rules for a game show than for a city council seat. So, it looks like the current council is determined to appoint a replacement for Dick Jordan. Want to bet on the outcome? My money is on Dick’s pick: Jackie Hendrix. Who needs pesky elections anyway?

An interesting side note is the comments section where citizens can leave remarks on Facebook during the live stream of the meeting read: “City of Florence, Alabama - Government limited who can comment on this post” Apparently not only is the Florence City council refusing to hold a special election for a vacant council seat, but they also now will not let citizens voice opinions on their actions. I think I am going to practice how to say this phrase in Russian: I SPEAK VERY LITTLE RUSSIAN! Ya nemnOgo govor’yU porUsski !.... It might come in handy someday.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Arrest in Murder & a Lot of Crickets


Pictured is Michael Wade Tucker, 35, of the Glen Allen community. A convicted abuser, Tucker has been arrested in Fayette County for the Felony Murder of Laci Whitson, a young woman who resided at the Lotus Recovery House in Florence.

Tucker was 14 years older than Laci, and reports give varying accounts of how the young mother met him while living at Lotus House and working at Walmart or how close they were at the time of her death. Nevertheless, it took law enforcement less than a week to focus on Tucker and accumulate enough evidence for an arrest.

Ladies, we've said this nicely before, so here it is not so nicely: Why are you dating an abusive loser? Do you want to be remembered as the woman who was found in the woods beaten to death and half eaten by animals and insects? Aren't you better than that?

As for Lotus House, one version of Laci's story indicates she packed some clothing before she left. Perhaps this rehab for women who have lost their way feels she was not its problem at the time of her murder. Perhaps the home is wary of lawsuits. No matter, no statement from the facility has been forthcoming concerning her death, and that's extremely callous.

Laci deserved much more in life than she received.

Jefferson County 2022 DV Arrest

Monday, July 1, 2024

From Food Assistance to Drinking Water - This Explains It


Answering questions about Meal Barrel eligibility:

We have received concerns regarding the operation of The Meal Barrel Project and the eligibility of some recipients. We would like to clarify the following points to ensure transparency and understanding:
1. Information Verification:
Food pantries, including ours, are responsible for taking the information provided by potential recipients as true. We compile this information as outlined by the application and submit it to the state, we are not responsible for verifying the accuracy of this information. While some pantries may choose to verify information or request supporting documentation, the state interpretation of the Federal USDA application is that information is to be taken as self-attesting. This means we are to accept the information provided (meaning the answers to the questions we ask to complete the application process) and leave the verification process to the Alabama Department of Education.
For more details, you can refer to [Section 251.5 of Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations](
2. We use an electronic application process where we will scan your identification (which fills in most of our paperwork for you) and ask the remaining questions to complete the application. For each visit to the food pantry following the completion of your application, your driver’s license will be scanned to serve as an electronic signature for that day’s food benefits.
1. An electronic document is EXACTLY THE SAME as a paper document and is legally recognized as such.
2. An electronic signature is EXACTLY THE SAME as a handwritten signature, and carries the same legal consequences as a handwritten signature.
Details of our intake process is outlined in the included video link:
3. Reporting Concerns:
If you believe someone has received food benefits in error or misused these benefits, please understand this event to be a state issue and not a program issue, and direct your complaint to the Alabama Department of Education. Compile your complaint and any supporting documentation and report it to:
**Alabama Department of Education:**
50 N Ripley St
Montgomery, AL 36104
4. Proxy Recipients:
Many individuals who come through our line are delivering food to others in need. The state department allows proxies to receive food on behalf of others and deliver it to them, ensuring those unable to come in person still receive the assistance they need.
We appreciate your understanding and support as we continue to serve our community. If you have further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you,
The Meal Barrel Project Team

In case you missed it concerning PFAs:

water quality is a serious issue. I am retired and we never hid anything before or after I became Manager, or is anyone hiding anything now. During my tenure the issue was disinfection by products and how to address them. It took nearly a decade for EPA to address how this issue that is a result of disinfecting drinking water. It could not be done until a limit was set, and treatment methods developed. Florence installed a multimillion dollar ion exchange process several years ago to address this issue. This issue was in the news for several years as incremental limits were set, treatment processes developed, and regulations developed. Now all systems are facing a new challenge, PFAS! I have included a link you can read if you have time. I would also recommend the movie “Dark Waters” on Netflix. It is accurate in the information given on PFA’s, and the cover-up by 3M & Dupont for decades.
In the future, it will be something else. Why, because as the science gets better and the ability to measure contaminants allows detection at lower and lower levels, and they find out how a contaminant may affect humans. When I started, contaminants were expressed in parts per million, the later parts per billion, today parts per trillion. The limit set last year for PFAS was set at 4 parts per trillion. To put in perspective, that is one grain of sand in a trillion grains of sand. A trillion is a 1 with 12 zeros after it, represented as 1,000,000,000,000 or 10¹². At the time the level was set, there was not an approved method to accurately measure that low, but they would not set it that low if they didn’t know a method would be available by the time the regulation would go in effect. PFAS will be the largest issue systems have faced to date.
Before I left, I authorized the consulting engineers to begin setting up pilot studies to determine what is the best method for the City. Those studies are currently ongoing. Discussions before I retired was that the Department could be looking at a cost up to $70,000,000, depending on the best method.
The Water Department is an enterprise fund of the City. That means it operates like a business, with it’s only source of revenue being the sales of the product and services, i.e., water and sewer rates. They receive no tax monies, or are eligible for very few grants. Funds for improvements come from warrant (bond) issues, or low interest State Revolving Loan Funds (SRF).
If you would like to educate yourself self more, there is plenty of information available on this topic and more on the internet. The treatment plant operators for the City’s facilities are required by law to be certified at the highest level by taking an exam that has less than a 20% passing rate last I heard. In addition, the Department is not only transparent, it is required to be transparent, hence the Annual Water Quality Report. Even that is likely change. When I left, the Alabama Department or Environmental Management was considering, if possible,
making the report mandatory twice per year.
You can also learn more by contacting the Department’s Manager, Tad Cole will be happy to provide info. In addition, with the exception of 9/11 security concerns and COVID, has started back giving tours to elementary & high school groups, college groups, civic groups, and non-profit groups.
If interested in a career, the Community Colleges offer an Associate Degree program and a BS Degree program is offered some Universities with the closest being Athens State University.
Thank you,
Michael Doyle