Monday, June 12, 2017

Does Anyone Here Speak English?

We originally intended to do an article on Butler Cain, announced local candidate to become our next congressional representative. That involved a quick look at Dr. Cain's LinkedIn profile; we found this among his recommendations:

Butler is one of the most enthusiast and best professors I have ever had.

Is the above a result of unchecked spell-check? Do Dr. Cain's students not practice proof reading? While not in the English department, there's also a lack of analytical thinking in the above statement, not to mention a familiarity that is perhaps unique to Democrats. 

While the young woman who wrote the above statement is from West Texas, we have similar problems locally. Ever read the Flor-Ala? Do these students pay attention in English class? Do they even bother to attend? 


Back to our intended topic, does Cain have a chance to win this seat? It's very early yet, but he certainly has a good chance to win the Democratic nomination.


We trust everyone knows who Otto Wambier is; he's coming home to the U.S. in a coma. We infer two things. One: North Korea either doesn't want war with the U.S. or it has no money for a body bag. Two: See the above topic; our universities are failing students miserably.

Would any who ever took a course from Dr. Charles Gaisser think North Korea was a vacation paradise? Our keyboard even froze up on those last words.

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