Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Can Cypress Lakes Be Saved?

In the past fiscal year, Cypress Lakes lost 339K+ dollars; so far this year, the golf/tennis club has lost 199K+. We've often passed this site, and it's beautiful. From what we've seen, Cypress Lakes puts the courses in Florence to shame. Why can't it make enough money?

This is from a reader who resides in Muscle Shoals:

“We’ve spent five months waiting to meet with the cable guy,” Pampinto said. “It doesn’t make sense to spend $6,000 a year on cable and Internet when only a handful of people work there.

DOES ANYONE HAVE A PERSONAL CONNECTION WITH LARRY THE CABLE GUY? Get 'er done. Call Joe at 256.762.1173 immediately. The future of Muscle Shoals and Cypress Lakes is hanging in the balance.

After kicking Rhoda P's out of the Cypress Lakes Country Club because of her causing the demise with a huge utility bill, why haven't the finances improved?

Muscle Shoals City has the largest sales tax in the Shoals and looks like that will be pushed even higher after the debacle at the golf course and the additional huge investment in the football program at MSCS.

“It may not seem like a lot of money, but when you are losing $300,000. you have to keep chipping away. It takes pennies to make dollars,” Pampinto said.

AGAIN - is a sales tax or other tax in the shadows of City Hall?? Pennies make Dollars as Joe Pampinto said. Why are the other council members hiding behind Joe Pampinto aka Citizens' Mouthpiece.

Change in the winds for 2016?


Video of Johnny Mack Morrow's meeting on Rose's Law:


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