We're publishing some readers' thoughts on Spring Park in Tuscumbia and on Muscle Shoals High School Policy. Our thoughts on these issues will be published in red beneath the original comments.
On Spring Park: Saturday, April 4th. To add further to an ongoing tragedy, the carousel has NO power, so NO CAROUSEL The blinking lights at the RR crossing are not functioning, causing a real safety hazard. The only person who knows how to fix them is out of town. The only other responsible person is the Rec. director, but he NEVER comes to the park on Saturday, his off day . WHAT TO DO ?
We've talked to several individuals who have indicated that the railway/train could support the park by itself. Could the city lease the train to a competent individual to run, maintain, and pay half of the profits? Any comments?
On Muscle Shoals High School Track: Over the weekend, I was quizzed to why the citizens of Muscle Shoals are locked out of using the track at the M.S. football dynasty. The statement was that it was always a community use when there was no construction and were told that has changed since the 10 million upgrades. Looking back through the "Trash Daily" newspapers, the coach is quoted as saying;
“Our track is not only used by the school; it’s used by the community, and, anytime we have to close the gates, there are a lot of people who get frustrated,” he said. “The track is a great asset for us.”
The last statement the man made to me was, "and they want us to vote this month on more taxes for that school". Maybe the coach who runs the schools and city will have a change of heart...
Could this be a security issue? What times were the public allowed to use the track in the past? Was there a sign-in? Maybe there were also insurance issues? Comments please (Just don't shoot the messenger).
A second reader comment on the track: The info below was a quote from MS Athletic Director and Head Football Coach Scott Basden in 2010. OK, the track has now been completely resurfaced and is still closed. The “citizens” are frustrated but it’s apparent now the Athletic Director and Head Football Coach doesn’t want “HIS” facility open to the public. Never mind that it was the“citizens” who paid, correction – are paying for the next 30 years, for “HIS” facility. Contact your local City Council Members and Mayor if you want the track re-opened for public use. Contact information below:
Joe Pampinto 256-762-1173
Neal Willis 256-335-5284
Mile Lockhart 256-577-0352
Jim Holland 256-335-5345
Allen Noles 256-335-5336
David Bradford 256-335-3626
Remember, if you don’t call, then don’t complain!
Coach: Muscle Shoals track in need of resurfacing
By Michelle Rupe Eubanks | Posted: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 12:00 am
MUSCLE SHOALS -- The track around the Muscle Shoals High School football field is a popular spot for residents to get in an evening walk or a night-time run.
This summer, however, it’s been off limits because the track has fallen into disrepair, according to Muscle Shoals High School Athletic Director and head football coach Scott Basden.
“Our track is not only used by the school; it’s used by the community, and, anytime we have to close the gates, there are a lot of people who get frustrated,” he said. “The track is a great asset for us.”
Do the city council members have any control over the track? It would seem logically to be the school board's decision. Anyone know for sure?
Do the city council members have any control over the track? It would seem logically to be the school board's decision. Anyone know for sure?
Neal Barker, Basketball Coach
On Muscle Shoals' new basketball coach:
Wonder why they dug a long strip up in the nice parking lot at the concessions stand at the football field next to Harding Avenue. Makes you wonder when they will quit throwing money at that football field.
Did anyone send you anything about the Trash Daily's article on the new Head Basketball Coach at MSHS? He was fired from Spain Park as basketball coach the first of March and hired at MSHS the end of March. Interesting that Lindsey said his salary will be 60-70K but they don't know his teaching assignment?
The legal calculation of a teacher/coach pay is: Teaching assignment = $$ based on certificates/degrees and year of teaching (this guy is young), Additional $$ for the coaching supplement. A teaching assignment and a coaching supplement does not equal 60k or 70k. Even crazier is that they hired a coach without any specifics.
Wonder why the teachers aren't questioning a starting salary that is, in most cases, twice the amount a teacher is paid coming in if not a coach. Can't make this stuff up.
This we have no knowledge of or ideas about. Readers?
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