First, Shoalanda is an invited guest at tomorrow's press conference. We're guessing the QCD and PNS are also. Are we going? No, our pet raccoon still has hepatitis. (We're going to owe Woody Allen royalties on that one day.)
Here's the official document sent to our e-mail:
DreamVision Company Announces Development
World’s Largest Theme Park in Muscle Shoals, Alabama
February 11 at 11 a.m. CST
The DreamVision Company,
based in Fort Worth, Texas, is announcing its development of two
of the largest theme parks in the world: DreamVision SoundScape in
Muscle Shoals, Alabama, to cover approximately 1,400 acres; and
DreamVision Mountain/DreamScape in Fort Worth, Texas,
which will be situated on approximately 5,000 acres. In addition to the
theme parks, each property will include golf courses, water parks,
hotels, theatres, concert venues, retail and more. Both parks will be
built simultaneously, which has never been done
by a single company.
Wednesday, February 11 from 11 a.m. to noon CST
Marriott Shoals Hotel,
10 Hightower Place, Florence, Alabama 35630 – Main Ballroom
The DreamVision Company is a family-oriented
entertainment and media privately-owned enterprise with four business
segments: CGI animation & film, live theatrical productions, music
and theme park resort destinations.
Rick Silanskas,
DreamVision CEO/Chairman and award-winning composer and producer· Ron Logan, DreamVision Chief Creative Officer and former executive vice president and executive producer for Walt Disney Entertainment
Press conference topics including but not limited to:
Details about the park including visuals
· Approximate opening date
· Estimated employment
· Additional ventures and details
Live streaming of the press conference begins at 11 a.m. for those who cannot attend in person. A recording
of the press conference will be available on the same link. Click here to participate:
If you plan to attend the conference in person, please email
in advance. Thank you!
On-site PR contact:
Kathy Siefert
Marguarite Clark Public Relations
404-441-3669 – mobile
For more information:
Trisha Clayton
Marguarite Clark Public Relations
Looking at the invitation, we notice Bryan Robinson's name is not on the list of speakers. Since he's local, why isn't it? In case you missed the skinny on Bryan Robinson's local companies (at least two of them):
A reader has pointed out to us that the name Provident Global Capital bears a great similarity to Provident Funding, It's certainly not illegal, but could be misleading to some.
Robinson and his wife Rachel and assorted others seem to have founded at least five corporations in the Lauderdale County area. Bryan Robinson also has an office in the Keystone Centre, apparently having moved there from his Tombigbee Street location.
Twenty years experience. As our faithful reader said, is that combined? Combined with whose?
Tomorrow's press conference seems to be limited to one hour. The Ft. Worth conference did not allow any questions, at least we have been informed that was the case.
So, anyone want to buy into Shoalanda's Hoverboards? We'll bring you what your parents thought would be here by 1999.
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