Wednesday, February 4, 2015

It's a Conspiracy!/Ugly Face?

A reader sent us this question: What are the odds of EVERY SINGLE GAS STATION in the Shoals having THE EXACT SAME prices for Regular gasoline????

Our only thought: It's a conspiracy! Seriously, we don't know, but it is an interesting question. Any reader comments?


No matter what you may think of Judge Roy Moore, Kyle Whitmore of has christened him the "Ugly Face" that LGBTs will call to rally against. Perhaps for Moore, it's just any issue to keep him in the spotlight.

Some past actions of Judge Roy Moore:

1. He called the state's first case of mad cow disease a plot to help pass an animal identification system.
2. He told his replacement Chief Justice Gorman Houston that he was going to hell.
3. He placed a granite monument depicting the Ten Commandments inside the state judicial building...complete with the wording "c. Roy Moore." (We're pretty sure God doesn't like plagiarism.)
4. He said in 2005 that homosexuality shouldn't be tolerated in Alabama. (We're not weighing in on the right or wrong of that particular orientation. We just want to be sure Moore doesn't decide to not tolerate them with gas chambers.)


We get, well...ridiculous mail. Yes, we recently received an e-mail that asked why the Quad-Cities Daily didn't notify the Baskins/Glover families of the Muscle Shoals Police conference concerning the double murders. 

Let's see...first, why are you asking us at Shoalanda Speaks (of course, no one can convince these particular readers that we have no integral connection). Second, we're not aware that the QCD is responsible for notifying anyone about anything. It would seem logical that the Muscle Shoals Police would have notified these two families, but perhaps their previous encounters with some family members persuaded them that their appearance at the news conference would be in no one's best interest.


Yes, for those who asked, Rodney Ivey is a cousin to recent murder victim Gary Baskins and nephew to Jerry Lee Ivy:


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