Kimberly Bynum
Pretrial for Kimberly Bynum, the teacher who formerly taught at Vina High School, has been set for March 21st. Bynum was arrested in June of last year for an admitted sexual relationship with a student. Under Alabama law, students who have reached the age of consent are still prohibited from sexual relationships with teachers until they reach 19. If convicted of the Class B Felony, Bynum could face a sentence of 20 years.

The daughter of Danny and Connie Myhan, the 38 year-old Allen has been married for 18 years to Russell O'Neal Allen. For several years, Allen has been a volunteer basketball coach at Wilson where all of her alleged victims were students. According to detective Travis Clemmons, the investigation has linked Allen to several students, but only one under the age of consent. Like Bynum, Dana Allen faces a felony charge that could result in a sentence of 20 years.

A Political Forum for Candidates Seeking the Office of
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
at Rogers High School, Greenhill
6:00 PM in the Cafeteria
This event is sponsored by the Lauderdale County Education Association.
The public is invited to attend.
I understand this is news worthy however, I don't understand why you feel the need to post the offender's husband and parents' names. I don't know this girl or her family personally but I know this community and I know that they will wrap this family tight and do everything they can to help them. This family is innocent whether the accused is or not. There are young children who have had their world turned upside down and shaken. Of what good and to who is this woman's husband and parents' names important? Your blog states you will not allow the name of a rape victim to be published yet you feel it's ok to publish innocent family members' names. Shame on you!!! You might as well have raped them.
ReplyDeleteThere is a second Dana Allen in north Alabama who is a nurse. We have had communications concerning the woman who was arrested--specifically stating this woman is a nurse. She is neither an LPN nor an RN. Middle names and family names help to distinguish between and among those who have the same name. We can think of little worse than some misguided person reporting the innocent Mrs. Allen to the Board of Nursing.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the second Dana Allen has the same middle names? LaShanna is so common!
ReplyDeleteNo, she doesn't; however, the TimesDaily did not list the middle name of the woman arrested. If you did not know the woman's middle name or have read it here, how would you tell the difference?
DeleteSo your job is to publish the names of her parents and husband because the Times Daily didn't? Not sure what your point is... You can't argue that giving her middle name clearly differentiates her from the other Dana Allen and thus removes the need to publish her innocent parents and husband.
ReplyDeleteActually, it does. If you look up Dana Allen in the nursing registry, the middle name of the nurse is listed. We are not listing it since this innocent woman has surely suffered enough by now...and will suffer until Dana Myhan Allen has completed her route through the judicial system.
ReplyDeleteBut you know what, Justin? You are your immediate family. Did they not suspect anything or did they turn a blind eye and hope for the best?
Let me make this easy to understand... How many Dana LaShanna Myhan Allen's are there? If there is only one then you don't need to list the other family members.
ReplyDeleteAnd, no, I'm not my immediate family and they are not me.
Justin, have you never heard the expression "He/She just wasn't raised right." Of course, we understand the defense will be blaming a traumatic teenage relationship for her problems. Sorry that just doesn't cut it.
DeleteThe name. Let me make this more easily understood. The TD did not give this woman's middle name. It could have been the same as the licensed nurse. In other words, Dana LaShanna Allen and Dana Myhan Allen are the same person. There is an RN named Dana (female name) Allen. Those who just read the TD account and later searched the registry could have easily confused the two...and many apparently did. By naming the parents and husband, we hope we have at least partially helped the innocent nurse with any problems she may have down the line.
Someone who used to write for us once told me there were 27 women with her name (first & last) in the Bank Independent data base. That would make for some humorous and perhaps embarrassing confusion.
::rolling my eyes::
ReplyDeleteWhat I think is so funny about this entire argument is.....that isn't her middle name. Or it's spelled wrong anyway. So, your so called facts, aren't facts after all. Nope, I'm not family, but I am a life long friend of the family...and will remain that way!
ReplyDeleteYou are correct. Checking our sources, the name should be LaShana--with only one "n."