
I'm a mommy, and I'm a juggalette. I'm bipolar, and alot of different things. I like things around me to be neat and orderly, but I let that slip alot. I'm pretty laid back, although time makes me bolder to speak out. I play D&D, old school style. I can play some Guitar Hero. I love Luna Online. I'm a girlie girl, but I'm not afraid to get dirty. I like to play outdoors, but I don't like hikes, long walks on the beach, or hunting. ~ I have a platonic wife. She's a major part of my life. ~ I'm best friends with my ex (my babydaddy, as it were lol). He'll always be a part of my life since we have a wonderful child together, and we parent her together. ~ I'm not looking for a serious relationship, although I never know when I'll meet someone I like that much. ~ I don't like to be used, and I don't use others.
Things have changed so much in the past months. Right now I have joint custody of my daughter. My wife and her 2 children also live with me. I'm rebuilding who I am, sorting out what I like, meeting more people.
I'm not perfect.

Matthew Richard Fox, 21, of Florence, is something of a mystery man in the mix. The son of Richard M. Fox and Miriam Gail Fox, he lived in the Beechwood Subdivision off Cox Creek Parkway. According to reports in the TimesDaily, it was Fox's idea to dismember Taylor's body.
Now all three have been charged with murder. Three children in Arkansas no longer have a mother and a little girl in Sheffield has both parents facing possible capital murder charges. We have to believe alcohol or other drugs played a large part in this murder. If not, this trio of thugs is not worthy of the cost of housing them the rest of their lives.
Where are all the people who were crying for you to stop accusing these monsters just a day ago? Guess they will shut up now.
ReplyDeleteIt is so sad! I hope they get what is coming to them. If they don't get it here on earth they will definately get it at the end of times. I didn't know Amanda but NO ONE deserves what happened to her!
ReplyDeleteI knew Amanda and she was a sweet girl, she just recieved a few bad hands and couldn't get back to us. She will be missed by many. However it inappropriate, I hope they dont let these monsters sit around, I think the rabbed should be put down, be them beast or be them human. Please pray for Amanda's babies,husband and parents everytime they come to mind.
ReplyDeleteMy sympathies go out to Amanda's chldren and family. Look at all the children who now have to grow up without their parents and ove what?? some sex drugs and rock and roll? Come on now it is time to grow up!
ReplyDeletei new and still know ron and laurel and ill be perfectly honest with you this is nothing like either of them!!! something had really had to have snapped in rons head for him to do this.
ReplyDeletePeople are here still defending both, so dont think we went ANYWHERE!!!! We did not shut up!!!
ReplyDeleteThere are those of us that are friends of Ron and Laurel's that are still around to stick by them. We may not approve of what they have done, but we love them. I know this will be deleted along with the other comments made by their friends, but I'm not silent. Look at their facebook pages if you want to see where we went.
ReplyDeleteThis is sickening!!these monsters should be dismembered alive tore apart limb by limb they do not deserve to live and would be a waste of taxpayers money to house and feed these idiots!!!!
ReplyDeleteThink of all the babies involved not only Amanda's but the accused 2. All these kids have to grow up telling people were there parents are so sad. Prayer for all the children they are catching the worst of all this.
ReplyDeleteAll that needs saying, at this point is Justice for Amanda! What a horror story this poor young lady had to go through and it literally makes me sick to my stomach to know people with black hearts are out there not only waiting but are ready to commit any crime they want to. Why? Because it is who they are! Someone mentioned on Amanda's page that these people could confess and cop a nice short sentence for their confession and cooperation. Is that enough for our Community? No! People want this to be a hard tried case and one that will get these murderers away from society forever! Justice for Amanda!
ReplyDeleteAll of you disgusting clown freaks deserve to rot....you are obviously outcast losers to be in a clown gang..seriously...
ReplyDeleteFry them.
ReplyDeleteit doesnt matter if it like them or not!! they did it! and they are cowards,there sick,they are DEMONS,and i think if you still defend them,you are as sick as they are!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't care about the lyrics or group singing them..that is completely irrelevant to the fact that a young mother's life is GONE!!..I can't and quite frankly don't want to comprehend what kind of EVIL people it took to commit this horribe crime. Strangulation..dismemberment..to plot and conspire....the affidavit clearly states what kind of monsters they are!! I would strongly think about my own character if I had any incline to defend any of these actions. I will continue to pray for all involved. I have children and what a wake up call it is of the importance to pray for them and to keep them safe from of monsters(they don't deserve to be described as anything less) that is capable of such a crime!!
ReplyDeleteI never said I defend their actions, I said I am their friend & I love them. This is just as hard on their loved ones.
ReplyDeleteTo the comment above, I continue to pray for all involved including the family and friends of the defendants. My heart brakes for their parents. I can't imagine the unconditional love a parent has and to know her child was capabale of such a horrible crime. But a word of advice, you might want to think about what kind of friends you have and will make in the future. One wrong choice can obvioulsy cost you your life. Including the defendants.
ReplyDeleteI hope they get what they deserve!!
ReplyDeleteA fundraiser for the children should be set up, I say we have an auction on who gets to flip the switch to fry these bottom feeders.
ReplyDeletePlease sign the petition Amanda Alert for Missing Adults http://www.change.org/petitions/amanda-alert-for-missing-adults
ReplyDeleteSome of these people are awful....Who do you think you are to judge others? It's not your job, and those that claim to be Christians that still talk about frying the defendents, shame on you! The Bible says to love one another! Right, wrong, or indifferent, they are people too, and "ye who is without sin"....murder isnt any worse of a sin than lying, stealing, cheating, or having an affair in God's eyes. The right thing to do here is pray for EVERYONE involved.
ReplyDeleteThe law and the bible are two separate things...
ReplyDeleteyou are correct, they are two different things, although they didnt use to be. my point was directed at the people that are saying such horrible things, but then talking about God and praying. That was my whole point
ReplyDeleteIf the bible was the law, life here would be much easier. God knew if we followed his law, all would be easier. His plan was love one another. Marry one person, stay married. Work hard, it is simple get up everyday not intending to hurt others. Simple.....
ReplyDeletePeople need to keep their Mouths shut about my family,Ronald is my cousin we are very close hes more like a brother to me,I don't agree with what he did at all,I grew up with Amanda and her family,we went to the same school and church,she and her family lived next door to me,they are like family to me,and when I heard the news of her missing I was worried and heartbroken and prayed for her to return home safe and unharmed but that day I heard the news of the body found and it was Amanda I was crushed and then I hear that my cousin,my brother,my bestfriend was arrested for the murder I was devastated,heartbroken,and mad I cried for days and still do for Amanda and her family I hate what he did but I don't hate him ill always be here for him,I know he did a very very ungodly thing but it dosent give you people the right to say thing's about him or his mother that you don't know anything about my aunt was a very good mother its not like she raised him to kill and just so you know Ronald. Didn't do drugs and neither did laural they are very good parents...so from now on when your gonna post stuff make sure its FACTS and not BS you just got board and made up.........and also shoalslanda not only should you post stuff from Amanda's friends and family you should post stuff from there friends and family not only is Amanda's family grieving for there lost, Ronald's family is also grieving for ours,but like I said watch wat you say cause nothing you say is hurting ronald,laural,or Matthew they cant see what you post about them all your doing is hurting there family's that are innocent in this crime