The image of Kimberly Bynum pictured after her June arrest is in striking contrast to her Vina High School photos. The Russellville woman will be arraigned in Franklin County Court on January 4th and tried possibly as early as February for her part in a sexual relation with a former student, a relationship that may have been begun as early as three years before school officials took notice, or at least action.
However, considering the delays in the trial of Amanda Watkins, it may be 2013 before preliminary legal wranglings are settled. Bynum, like Watkins, could face 20 years in prison for her affair with the 2011 male graduate. The law under which Bynum is charged was outlined in a bill sponsored in 2010 by Rep. Demetrius Newton (D), of Birmingham.
Newton introduced the bill due to an incident in which a teacher and a 16-year-old student were accused of having a sexual relationship but school officials could take no action against the teacher since the student had reached the age of consent in Alabama. The 2010 law provides that consent is not a defense.

Lee is a graduate of UAB and presumably should know the vagaries of regional politics in the highly competitive world of Alabama hospitals...or at least in the Shoals.

Names of other Shoals eyesores are listed in the column to the left of this blog.