When Corey Langley Griffin graduated from Talladega High School in 2009, he was ranked 14th among the top 100 tennis players in the state. Apparently this ranking was still not good enough to ensure Griffin a scholarship, and he chose to attend the University of North Alabama as a walk-on player.
The 20 year-old Gold Gym's employee can't consider himself a part of the university's nine-man tennis team any longer. Griffin, the son of Alicia Langley Griffin, was arrested Sunday and charged with the alleged rape of a fellow UNA student. Our sources indicate Griffin has been released from the Colbert County Jail on 100K bond.

Be sure to catch the October issue of Alabama Gardener. Pictured on the cover is an autumnal scene from the gardens of Phillip Oliver of Florence. Phillip writes the extremely popular Dirt Therapy blog.