Some time between Noon and 1:00 p.m. today, our page hits should reach 500,000. This number reflects hits since June 8, 2009. Since that date we have had slightly over 336K unique hits. Thanks to all our readers and a special thanks to Shoals area bloggers who link us. As always, we appreciate guest editorials/columns on any subject and happily publish rebuttals to any of our blogs.
We see that billboards for Daniel Rosser, Democratic candidate for Colbert County Probate Judge, have begun to blossom on the landscape south of the river. In past elections we have endorsed candidates, but have not taken any political advertising.
In the upcoming election, we will be partnering with The Connection to supply limited Internet ads on our site; however The Connection will offer more extensive advertising in their online magazine. Please contact Trader at traderconnections@yahoo.com or 256.336.5483.
Alabama Republican Party Executive Director T. J. Maloney will discuss the upcoming Republican Primary rules and qualifications at the next Shoals Republican Club meeting on Tuesday, September 20th, 12:00 noon at Singleton’s Bar B Que Restaurant at 4220 Huntsville Road in Florence.
The Alabama Republican Primary will be held on March 13, 2012. Qualifying opens November 14, 2011 and closes January 13, 2012. Alabama Republican Party Executive Director T.J. Maloney will talk about the primary rules and qualifying procedures for the 2012 elections covering all offices from the local courthouse to the White House.
All meetings of the Shoals Republican Club are open to the public. For more information, contact Shoals Republican Club President William Smith at (256) 767-4529, or ShoalsRepublicanClub@gmail.com