If you're like us, you may not know who's who in a doctor's office, but we're pretty sure you don't want the cleaning lady giving you an enema to treat a sinus infection. So, how do you know who's doing what to you?
We've received several questions about this recently, and we advise care if you aren't sure what someone's credentials are. From Nurse Nan (2009):
Due to a local physician having some problems at his office, we've had several questions concerning just who's who at the doctor's. Here's the run down of what type personnel you will usually find:
Physician - either a Medical Doctor or an Osteopath
Physician's Assistant - these are licensed and usually possess a Master's Degree
CRNP - these highly trained nurses are licensed and also usually possess a Master's Degree
RN - professional nurses; there are currently four kinds practicing in the state, but all have the same legal status
LPN - trade nurses that are called LVNs in some states
Medical Assistant - these are not licensed, do the basics, and do not usually administer injections
Phlebotomist - personnel trained in drawing blood, found in larger offices
If you have any doubt about who is assisting your physician or administering vaccinations, etc., feel free to ask. All competent personnel will be glad to answer your questions concerning their credentials.
We hope this helps those who are unsure of their medical providers...and yes, we'll have more on this at a later date.
The Shoals Democratic Club
will meet
Monday, September 19 at 6:30 p.m.
Operating Engineers Union Hall, Dr. Hicks Blvd., Florence
Guest speakers
Rep. Greg Burdine, D-Florence
Rep. Johnny Mack Morrow, D-Red Bay
A light meal will be served at 6:00 p.m.
The public is always invited to attend.