Friday, May 5, 2017

Chris Hall & Organized Labor

From a reader:

Just wondering:

 (1) Why would the Shoals Area Central Labor Council and the Alabama AFL-CIO in Montgomery be donating money to a local city council candidate?

 (2) What promises to these organizations were made by Mr. Chris Hall?

 (3) Do Mr. Chris Hall's garage door company employees work under a Union Bargaining Agreement?

 (4) Was there an agreement between Mr. Chris Hall and Organized Labor to try to unseat the incumbent Joe Pampinto in exchange for a monetary donation?

 (5) Is it Mr. Chris Hall's plan to allow Union organization of the City employees?

Just what is your plan, Mr. Hall, and why did you take money from these organizations?


It does seem a fair question. Why would "a city council election garnished (sic) recognition from all across the state?"

Hmmm, spellcheck seems to trip most everyone up from time to time.

During the fall election, Chris Hall was the winner of the only Foghorn Leghorn Award we've ever given. You just had to see his writing to believe it...

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